- Mortgage Insurance vs Term Life Insurance. 按揭人寿保险。
- What Kind of Home Mortgage Insurance System Should China Adopt? 中国需要什么样的住宅抵押保险机制?
- The Mortgage Insurance Programme has gained wider acceptance by homebuyers. 按揭保险计划推出以来,已获得置业人士普遍接受。
- So far, 37 Approved Sellers have signed the Master Mortgage Insurance Policy. 截至目前为止,已有37位核准卖方签署了按揭保险总保单。
- The Mortgage Insurance Programme has been well received by the market since its launch on March 31. 按揭保险计划自一九九九年三月三十一日推出以来,深受市场欢迎。
- The Mortgage Insurance Programme continued to be well received by the homebuyers. 按揭保险计划继续广受置业人士欢迎。
- See the technical note at Annex I for details of the mortgage insurance product. 按揭保险产品详细资料载于附件一的技术说明内。
- The overinsurance in mortgage insurance is also a subject worthy of argument in real estate insurance. 抵押贷款保险中的超额保险现象,也是不动产保险值得探讨的一个问题。
- Design deficiencies and operational irregularities in mortgage insurance itself must be comprehensively redressed. 房贷险本身的设计缺陷和业务不规范行为必须全面矫正;
- But many property buyers grateful to the bank while questioning bank, then forced to buy mortgage insurance? 但是不少购房者对银行心存感激的同时,又在质问银行,按揭时为啥强制买保险?
- The Mortgage Insurance Programme continued to enjoy good public acceptance, despite the subdued property market environment. 虽然受到整体物业市场放缓的影响,按揭保险计划仍持续受到广大市民欢迎。
- The Mortgage Insurance Programme has gained wider acceptance by homebuyers as evidenced by a rising trend in the number of applications. 按揭保险计划推出以来,投保申请数目逐渐增加,可见此计划已获得置业人士普遍接受。
- All the participating banks under the Mortgage Insurance Programme are eligible to participate under the new fixed-rate scheme. 按揭证券公司按揭保险计划下的所有参与银行均可参加是次推出的长期定息按揭计划。
- The wider selection of mortgage insurance products and services will provide more choices to suit the varying needs of homebuyers. 这项安排令按揭保险计划按揭产品及服务更多元化,为有意置业人士提供更多选择,以配合不同的需要。
- The yearly cost of a mortgage, including interest, mortgage insurance, and the origination fee (points), expressed as a percentage. 用百分比表示的抵押贷款的年成本,包括利率成本、抵押保险和融资费用(点数)。
- Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac require mortgage insurance when a borrower takes out a mortgage for more than 80% of a home's value. 当借款人申请获得的贷款数量超过房屋价值的80%25时,“两房”均要求对这种按揭进行保险。
- "Home prices have gotten out of balance with incomes," says Mark Milner, a real estate analyst at PMI Mortgage Insurance in Walnut Creek, Calif. “房价与人们的收入完全不成比例,“房产分析师MarkMilner说道,他供职于加州WalnutCreek的PMI房屋贷款保险公司。
- Since mortgage insurance period expiring repaid loans interest only, mortgage insurance amount not less than the value of the property. 保险期限自抵押之日起至还清贷款本息止,保险金额不低于抵押物业的价值。
- Currently, Beijing is the insurance companies mortgage insurance regulation changes are expected to be launched during the year instalment products. 目前,北京的保险公司正在修改房贷险条例,预计年内将推出分期付款的产品。
- The HKMC fully hedges the exposure of the guarantee by taking out an insurance of equal amount with a mortgage insurer. 按揭证券公司向按揭保险公司购买相等于担保额的保险,把担保涉及的风险转移至按揭保险公司。