- A morphological reconstruction method combined with the opening by reconstruction and closing by reconstruction is used to clear image corrupted by different kinds of noise. 应用数学形态学中的形态重构滤波,对噪声图像进行了处理,在去除噪声的同时,也保持了边缘及细节信息。
- Color morphology is introduced and a color sampling is described and two kinds of color morphological reconstruction (CMR)by color dilation and closing are achieved. 基于RGB(红绿蓝 )彩色坐标系统上的彩色形态变换 ,讨论了彩色形态采样及其两种彩色形态重建 ,即彩色形态膨胀重建和彩色形态闭重建。
- multiscale morphological reconstruction 多尺度形态重构
- Morphological reconstruction filter 形态学重建滤波
- grayseale morphological reconstruction 形态学灰度重建
- morphological reconstruction algorithm 形态学重构算法
- morphological reconstruction hy opening 形态学开重建
- Segmenting Conglutinate Objects Based on Morphological Reconstruction 基于形态学重建的粘连物体分割
- Reconstruction of that building is impossible. 再重建这座建筑物是不可能的。
- I have a plan for the reconstruction of the city centre. 我有一个重建城市中心的计划。
- A Medical Ultrasonic Image Filtering Method Based on Morphological Reconstruction 基于形态学重构的超声医学图像滤波方法
- (2) To reduce the irrelative local minima, morphological reconstruction is conducted; (2)为减少梯度图像产生的无关局部最小区域,进行形态学灰值重建;
- The work of reconstruction is not a boy's play. 重建工作并非是轻而易举的事。
- Morphological effects of pressure stress on yeasts. 高压对酵母形态上的影响。
- That's reconstruction of a pioneer dwelling. 那是先人居所的复制品。
- Scale-Dependent Reconstruction of the NAO Index. 指数随尺度重建。
- He tried to reconstruct his dreams. 他企图把这些梦重新回忆出来。
- The reconstruction of Afghanistan is under way. 阿富汗重建进程启动。 朝鲜半岛总体缓和的趋势得到保持。
- What are the risks in the reconstruction phase? 在重建阶段,存在哪些腐败风险?