- With testing results, the method of FUTS is highly efficient in fracture morphologies classification. 分析结果表明, 这种方法具有较好的分类效果。
- The result fo Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows that the vegetative characters are the major characters in morphological classification of C. 主成分分析结果表明,营养器官是狗牙根形态分类的重要指标。
- Palynological analysis could be used in the classification of Rosa hybrida var. minima cultivars and the result is supportive to the result of morphological classification. 不同微型月季品种花粉形状、萌发沟等特征近似,外壁纹饰差异较大,孢粉学分析结果可作为其品种分类依据,且分类结果总体支持形态学分类结果。
- The study of morphological classification and combination could be applied for probing into palaeoenvironment and paleo-vegetations of Quatemary in the Sangda village, Lhasa area. 最后在总结分析该区植硅体特征的基础上,对拉萨桑达地区第四纪古植被、古环境进行了探讨。
- Conclusion the immunology classification of acute leukemia can help the morphology classification, which has an important significance in diagnosis of some acute leukemia . 结论:免疫学分型在一定程度上弥补了形态学的不足,在某些急性白血病的最后诊断中起到关键作用。
- Giant left atrium combined with mitral valvular disease: morphologic classification and its clinical significance 二尖瓣病变合并巨大左心房的形态学分型及其临床意义
- Progress on Galaxy Morphology Classification 星系形态分类的研究进展
- morphological classification of languages 语言形态分类
- It is helpful to begin with a rough and ready classification. 首先进行粗略的分类是很有帮助的。
- There is a hierarchy in the classification of all living creatures. 一切生物均可按等级分类。
- Heart Morphologic State in Retired Fighter Pilots. 退役战斗机飞行员老年期心脏形态学现状分析。
- morphologic classification 形态学
- Inverse agonist is a new type of classification. 摘要反向激动剂指一种新分类概念。
- One who assigns names, as in scientific classification. 命名者命名的人。如在科学分类中
- These all belong in a different classification. 所有这些都属于不同的类别。
- To master the concept and morphologic characteristics of apoptosis. 掌握凋亡的概念与形态特征。
- This kind of classification is not exhaustive. 这种分类法并不是包罗无遗的。
- On morphologic grounds, I favor a diagnosis of FDC sarcoma. 根据形态改变;我考虑可能为滤泡树突I状细胞肉瘤.
- I am studying spectral classification. 我在学习光谱分类。
- They defy accurate classification at present. 这使目前的正确分类有困难。