- morphea flammea [医] 血管痣
- Linear and Morphea do not develop into the systemic form of scleroderma, and they do not reduce one's life expectancy in any way. 线形和局限性硬皮病不会发展到系统性硬皮病,所以不会致命。
- Localized Scleroderma forms are Morphea and Linear and they affect only the skin (and sometimes the underlying tissues) and not the internal organs. 局限性硬皮病的类型分局限性和线性两种,它们都只影响皮肤(有时会牵涉到下面的组织),不会牵累到各个脏器。
- When scleroderma of any type afflicts children, it is called Juvenile Scleroderma. The localized forms of scleroderma (such as Linear and Morphea) are most common in children. 如果儿童患有硬皮病,不管是何种类型,都叫青少年硬皮病,但以局限性硬皮病最常见。
- panolis flammea nuclear polyhedrosis virus 松夜蛾核型多角体病毒
- it suggests vitiligo, nevus depigmentosus, halo nevus, scleroderma, morphea, or lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. 橙红色是毛发红糠疹的特征性颜色。
- 2.Localized Scleroderma forms are Morphea and Linear and they affect only the skin (and sometimes the underlying tissues) and not the internal organs. 局限性硬皮病的类型分局限性和线性两种,它们都只影响皮肤(有时会牵涉到下面的组织),不会牵累到各个脏器。
- Senta flammean. 糜夜蛾
- Hemitremia flammea 半孔鱼
- Tremella flammean. 火红银耳
- Cassis flammea Linnaeusn. 火焰唐冠螺(鹑螺超科;唐冠螺科)
- Carduelis flammean. 白腰朱顶雀(雀科)
- guttate morphea 滴状硬斑病
- guttate morphea syndrome 滴状硬斑综合征, 滴状硬皮综合征, 白斑综合征
- Tephroseris flammean. 红轮狗舌草
- linear morphea 线状硬皮病
- localized morphea 局限性硬皮病
- morphea 硬斑病,阿狄森氏瘢痕瘤
- morphea alba 白硬斑病
- morphea linearis 线状硬斑病