- That figure is projected over the next five years to soar to more than a quarter of a billion dollars. 预计这一数字在今后的五年中将猛增到两亿五千多万美元。
- S. operates a billion dollar haircare company that makes more than a thousand different products. S.;管理着一家十亿美元的头发护理公司,该公司生产上千种不同的产品。
- These ceremonies are televised form the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles and screen to more than a billion people in 95 countries. 这些典礼从位于洛杉矶的多萝西·钱德勒厅进行电视转播。并对95个国家的10亿多观众进行播放。
- Farouk Shami operates a billion dollar haircare company that makes more than a thousand different products. His signature line is called Chi. 德克萨斯的一名商人认为,助长美国经济发展的一个方法就是停止将美国的工作机会向海外输出。
- A few years ago GM spent more than a billion dollars to buy out the retailers affected by its decision to eliminate its Oldsmobile brand. 几年之前通用放弃其旧品牌时,公司不得不花了近10万亿美元买下受这一决策影响的经销商的全部股份。
- With more than a billion people in the basketball-crazed nation of China, it seemed likely someone would follow in Yao's footsteps. 你搞错福特的意思了。他是说在这个为篮球而疯狂的国度里有超过十亿人。
- The sometimes tubular, sometimes bean-shaped structures are remnants of an ancient bacterium captured by a one-celled organism more than a billion years ago, experts believe. 专家相信,这种时而管状、时而豆状的结构体是一百多万年前被一种单细胞生物吞噬的一种远古细菌所残留的。
- The Internet, which seemed like science fiction a generation ago, has become a supernational reality, with more than a billion people worldwide now having access. 在上一个世代看起来还像是科幻小说的网际网路,如今已经超越国界,无所不在,目前全球有超过10亿的人口在使用网路。
- There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice. 他的声音里有许多哀伤的成分。
- It is nothing more than a made-up story. 它只不过是杜撰的故事而已。
- It's no more than a mile to the shops. 离商业区不过一英里。
- It's no more than a misunderstanding. 这只是个误会。
- Jim have not hold down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- It was nothing more than a shower. 只不过下了场阵雨。
- Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth. 疼痛莫胜于坏牙。
- This gave me more than a twinge of uneasiness. 这件事使我内心非常不安。
- My aunt stayed here for more than a week. 我姑妈在这儿待了一个多星期。
- Jim has not held down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- Humor is often more than a laughing matter. 幽默常常不只是一笑了之的事。
- He is a young man, hardly more than a stripling. 他是个小伙子,尚不及而立之年。