- Confucious moral education philosophy and its enlightenment 孔子德育思想探析及其启示
- moral educational philosophy 道德教育哲学
- Moral education and guides the philosophy that moral education educates. 道德教育以及指导德育教育的哲学。
- One of her responsibilities is what led her to develop her educational philosophy. 在这个职位上,她的工作给了她机会让她发展出自己的教育理念。
- Innovating methods of ideological moral education. 创新思想道德教育方法。
- The study of educational philosophy will show its trends towards relationship, practice, and reflection in the future. 教育哲学研究在今后将呈现关系走向、实践走向、反思走向等特点。
- Moral education should say "no" to bourgeois. 道德教育应向平庸说“不”。
- The educational philosophy in pursuit of transcension and ideal is a kind of "talking". 摘要追求超越和探寻存在理想的教育哲学是一种“谈”。
- Thirdly, he should receive moral education. 第三,他应该接收道德教育。
- Educational philosophy underwent three stages of introduction, preliminary development and maturation in the first half of the 20th century in China. 20世纪上半叶中国教育哲学的发展经历了引进、初创和成型三个阶段。
- On Moral Educational Ideas in John Dewey Philosophy 杜威道德教育思想评析
- From the perspective of the educational philosophy, this long time ignorance or defiance of the students is closely related to our imparting of the dominant knowledge. 从教育哲学的角度分析,我国现行基础教育课程体系的这种实践缺失与长期以来我们形成的主导知识论紧密相关。
- "Inner randomness", "Sensitivity to initial value" and "Chaos order" are its intrinsic characteristics.It contains a kind of new educational philosophy. 它具有内禀随机性、初值敏感性和“混沌序”等三个本质特征,蕴涵着一种全新的教育哲学思想。
- It is nothing but the result of despising moral education. 这不外乎是轻视道德教育的结果。
- Should we put intellectual development above moral education? 我们是否可以将增长知识置于道德教育之上呢?
- Teacher professional development gains the impact of institutional culture, educational philosophy, individual life experiences and the goal of instruction. 教师专业发展受到制度文化、教育哲学、自身人生经历和教学生活目标的影响。
- Confucian education is moral education substantively. 儒家教育实质是德教。
- Research on Medical Moral Education Cognition of Medical Students. 医学大学生对医德认知的调查研究。
- And sometimes, they are integrated in the moral education. 有时这些内容是综合运用于道德教育之中的。
- In the 21th Century, People pay more attention to moral education. 进入21世纪,人们对道德教育给予了更多的关注。