- Right and wrong are, for her, moral absolutes. 她认为,是与非是道德上的绝对准则。
- We call this relativism.There is no more moral absolutes. 我们称之为相对主义,不再存在有道德上的绝对;
- Gill points to the death of moral absolutism as a major factor. 吉尔博士指出道德绝对主义的消亡是一个主要因素。
- She believed in the importance of moral absolutes and moral certainty. 她相信道德绝对性和道德确实性的重要性。
- It should strengthen us to resist the pressure to convert momentary impulses into moral absolutes. 历史应让我们有能力抵制把暂时的冲动转变为道德定论的压力;
- What does this way of avoiding the familiar moral absolutes mean for embryos that could be used for therapeutic purposes? 这样避开常见的道德绝对条件的做法对于可能用于治疗目的的胚胎有什么含义呢?
- Politics was no longer simply a pocketbook issue but a moral issue as well, subject to moral imperatives and moral absolutes. 政治已经不再简单的是一件管理工具,更成为了一种兼具命令和强制的道德工具。
- McWhorter says the “professional pessimism” of victimologists gives blacks the “balm of moral absolution” and belief in a permanent entitlement to exemption from the rules of a competitive society. 但是,对受害者的研究却成为黑人否认种族歧视消亡,以及对历史上这一空前成功漠视的原因。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
- People can draw a moral from tales. 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
- You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以从中得出自己的教训。
- There is, in short, no absoluteness in anything. 总之,任何事物都没有绝对性。
- His moral standards have been called into question. 他的道德标准令人生疑。
- One astute observer of society has made this observation: We have taken morality out of the universities and have told students there are no moral absolutes. 遗憾的是,我们所住的世界里,道德标准常被妥协,行为的界限很模糊。即使最好的商学院也无法订出一个举世通用的道德标准。
- A baby isn't born with a moral sense. 孩子并不是生来就有是非感的。
- Human beings are moral individuals. 人是有辨别是非能力的。
- He lived a moral life after marriage. 他婚后过着合乎道德规范的生活。
- She regards his moral faults with charity. 她宽恕他的品行不端。
- To negate the plurality moralities and to be the splurality moralities absolutely is all unprofitable flourishing for the human health care. 否定伦理观念的多元和把伦理观念多元绝对化,都无益于人类健康事业的繁荣。
- The moral consciousness of a country. 一个国家的道德观念。