- The characteristic and the formation process of moraine hill in the Dalian area along the coast are analyzed from the phenomenon of the Quaternary incompact layer covering the Dalian red clay. 冰体融化后,包裹在冰川体内的碎屑物质直接堆积沉积称冰碛土,其特点是无层序,无分选,块石、砾石、砂及粘性土杂乱堆积,常具架空结构,力学性质差异大。
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- The stately mansion crested the hill. 庄严的大厦位于山顶。
- The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation. 这条小道通向一座没有草木的小山。
- The farm sits on the side of the hill. 农场位于山坡上。
- The drilling troops mustered on the hill. 演习部队在小山上集合起来了。
- That overloaded truck jibbed at the steep hill. 那辆超载的卡车爬不上陡坡。
- Hill and woods diversify the landscape. 山陵和树林点缀景色。
- The tower on the hill brooded above the village. 小山上的塔楼俯视着那个村庄。
- They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel. 他们正在凿山建一条隧道。
- From the hill top we can see the plains below. 从山顶上我们可以看到山下的大平原。
- The hill has been laid out as a park. 这座小山布置成了一座公园。
- The woodsman carried the firewood down the hill. 樵夫背着柴火下山了。
- That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). (爬)上那座山岗毫不费力。
- Jack and Jill tumbled down the hill. 杰无和吉尔从山上滚下来了。
- The small village perched on a hill. 这个小村庄位于山上。
- Have you seen the hill whereon a tower is standing? 你看到耸立着一座塔的那座小山了吗?
- The bus toiled up the steep hill. 公共汽车艰难地爬上陡峭的山岗。
- Our car stalled on the brow of a steep hill. 我们的汽车在山顶陡坡处抛锚了。
- An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine. 冰川前砂砾层冰河冰渍前沉积的沙及砾石覆盖的区域