- Caught the joyous mood of the festival. 被节日的欢乐气氛所感染
- A mood of optimism pervaded the gathering. 会上充满乐观的气氛。
- Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem. 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调。
- Now she returned to the subject of juvenile delinquency in that country. 现在她又回过来讲那个国家少年犯罪的问题。
- Her speech played heavily on the angry mood of her audience. 她用演说激起听众的极大愤怒。
- The mood of the crowd can change in the twinkling of an eye. 群众情绪转眼就能发生变化。
- An instance of juvenile behavior. 幼稚行为的事例
- The State of Juvenile Crime in California. 加州的青少年犯罪状况。
- Two cases of juvenile retinoschisis are reported. 摘要本篇提出两个幼年性视网膜分裂症的病例。
- His mood of contentment was beginning to lapse. 他怡然自得的心情渐渐消失了。
- His mood of cowardice had passed away. 他的懦怯情绪化为乌有了。
- The mood of the meeting was against him. 大会的气氛是反对他的。
- A mood of melancholy descended on us. 一种悲伤的情绪袭上我们的心头。
- His opinions chimed in with the mood of the nation. 他的主张与国民的心态相吻合。
- Question1: have you ever heard of juvenile delinquency? 问题1你听说过少年犯吗?
- How would you characterize the mood of the 1990s? 你将怎样描述20世纪90年代人们的心态?
- There is an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. 这一问题并没有什么明确的答案。
- The article captured the mood of the nation. 这篇文章把国民的情绪表达得淋漓尽致。
- The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic. 这次会议的气氛显然很悲观。
- The overall mood of the meeting was downbeat. 整个会场的气氛是沉闷的。