- Is fitted to the monthly mean values. 表示每月平均值的长期趋势。
- As a result,the monthly mean temperature reached 20.1 degrees,the seventh-highest for March. 由于日照量偏高的关系,该月录得平均气温高达20.;1度,是三月份的第七最高纪录。
- As a result, the monthly mean temperature reached 20.1 degrees, the seventh-highest for March. 由于日照量偏高的关系,该月录得平均气温高达20.;1度,是三月份的第七最高纪录。
- The monthly mean of air relative humidity in shady slope was hyper to it in sunny slope with same dumping years. 对于排矸年限相同、坡向不同的样地,阴坡的月平均相对湿度高于阳坡。
- With no tropical cyclones in Hong Kong's vicinity,the monthly mean pressure reached 1012.1hetopascals,the highest on record for September. 在没有热带气旋接近本港的情况下,平均海平面气压高达1012.;1百帕斯卡,是九月份的最高纪录。
- Applying a one-side t-test, the difference in the principal component for the monthly mean temperature is significant at the 5% level. 采用单侧t-检验,月平均气温这一主分量的差值在5%25的水平上是显著的。
- They remove the variation in anti-depressant prescriptions associated with the general change in monthly mean temperature from the equation. 他们将开抗抑郁处方的数量跟每个月的温度变化对比。
- In the growth quarter,the monthly mean of air relative humidity in dumping 25~45a spot of shady slope was hyper 4.4% to dumping below 8a,and in sunny slope this value was 5.5%. 整个生长季中;阴坡排矸25 a~45 a样地的月均相对湿度比排矸8 a以下样地高4.;4%25;
- January was warmer and wetter than normal. The monthly mean temperature of 16.7 degrees and total rainfall of 44.6 millimetres were 0.9 degrees and 21.2 millimetres higher than the respective averages. 一九九七年一月较正常和暖及多雨,平均气温为16.;7度,较正常高0
- Cartwright. There is a stochastic analysis and prediction model,which can reli ablly give out the long term trend of mean sea level variations,and the monthly mean sea level prediction in the future years. 平均海面提出一种随机动态分析、预测模型,能比较可靠地求出平均海面长期变化趋势,并能对未来几年内作出月平均海面的预报。
- The climate characteristics of water resources in North China are analyzed by EOF method and Gaoqiao Equation using monthly precipitation and monthly mean air temperature data of 27 stations in North China from 1951-1995. 利用华北地区27个台站1951-1995年月平均气温及月降水总量资料,用EOF分析方法及高桥浩一郎公式计算并分析了华北地区水资源的气候特征。
- The difference between highest and lowest monthly mean values is about 72% in Broad-leaved Korean Pine forest,73% in Asian white birch forest,26% in David poplar forest,56% in Spruce-fir forest,and 144% in Ermans Birch forest. 不同群落细根现存量月动态变化也有较大差异,月均最高最低相差阔叶红松林约为72%25、白桦林近73%25、山杨林26%25、云冷杉林56%25、岳桦林144%25。
- Monthly means that the amount of interest is calculated on the last day of the month. 银行将本月的日利息加起来并且在每月的最后一天支付。
- Three variables anb 33 years monthly data was chosen to analyse the association befween monthly mean temperature, monthly precipitation of 19 observatory stations covering the middle-lower reaches of Changjiang river and Eurasian 500Pa monthly height. 分析所取的变量包括长江中下游地区19个站的月平均气温,降水量以及欧亚500hPa月平均高度,本文用33年的资料系统地分析了三者之间的关系,得到了一些有意义的结果。
- The spatial patterns of Jiangsu temperature trends and inter-decadal variations (1961-2001) are investigated by using the monthly mean temperatures of 60 weather stations in Jiangsu Province. 摘要根据江苏省60个气象站1961-2001年的逐月气温资料,研究了江苏气温的长期变化趋势和年代际变化特征的空间差异。
- monthly mean signal to noise ratio 月平均信号噪声比
- monthly mean signal-to-noise ratio 月平均信号噪声比
- monthly mean daily diffuse radiation 日太阳散射辐射月均值
- monthly mean daily global radiation 日太阳总辐射月均值