- A monotypic genus endemic to W China. 对中国西部特有的单型的属。
- A monotypic genus: endemic to China. 单型的属:中国特有。
- A monotypic genus: China, India. 单型的属:中国,印度。
- A monotypic genus endemic to the E Himalayas. 到E喜玛拉雅山特有的单型的属。
- Taxonomical status of the monotypic genus is distinct, and the distribution is specific too. 单种属的分类学地位独特,区系分布上也表现出一定的特点。
- Therefore, the study of the genetic relationship and the myeogeography of the monotypic genus have important theoretical values. 因此,单种属的亲缘关系和菌物地理学研究具有重要的理论意义。
- Abstract : Wollemia nobilis is a monotypic genus in Araucariaceae and one of the oldest living fossil plants in the earth. 摘要 : 瓦勒迈松是南洋杉科单型属植物,是目前地球上最古老的“活化石”植物之一。
- Tetrathyrium is a monotypic genus endemic to China and is thus of great scientific importance.This species was first discovered in Hong Kong Island between 1857 and 1858. 四药门花属为一单种属,特产中国,本种首次于1857至1858年间在香港岛发现。
- Monotypic genera are those which contain only one species. 单型属就是指那些只包括一个种的属。
- The exine ornamentation of Ligulariopsis is distinctly different from that of Ligularia and Cremanthodium and the result supports the establishment of the monotypic genus Ligulariopsis. 假橐吾属不同于橐吾属和垂头菊属的花粉外壁性状,研究结果支持本单种属的成立。
- monotypic genus of palms of Australasia. 澳大拉西亚一个单子叶棕榈树属。
- The origin of the flora was very ancient, with many monotypic genera and oligotypic genera, and of typical calcicoles. 区系起源古老,单型属、寡种属较多;具典型的钙生植物。
- Nine genera and ca. 50 species: mainly in E Asia, two monotypic genera in S America; seven genera (two endemic) and 37 species (25 endemic) in China. 9属和约50种:主要在东亚,两单种的属在南美洲;在中国的7属(两特有)和37种(25特有)。
- monotypic genus of tropical American trees: button tree. 美国的热带的属;纽扣树。
- monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets 与椰子猫有密切联系的一种单种的马达加斯加麝猫
- Keywords: basidiomycetes, monotypic genus, mycobiota, 关键词:担子菌;单种属;真菌区系
- monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets. 与椰子猫有密切联系的一种单种的马达加斯加麝猫。
- There are 6 monotype genera (up to 50% of corresponding taxa in China). 江西有6个单型属,分别占世界和全国35.;3%25和50%25。
- The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus. 黄水仙是水仙属植物。
- Chromosome Counts of Three Monotypic Genera in Sapindaceae 无患子科三个单种属植物的染色体计数