- The crux of the matter is that many developing nations remain the object of exploitation by monopolistic capital. 问题的关键是许多发展中国家仍然是垄断资本的剥削对象。
- Chapter3 explains Lenin's monopoly capital theory. 第三章阐述了列宁的垄断资本理论。
- And springing up of new middle class plays latently the role to oppose the monopolistic capitalism. 而新中产阶级的兴起在意识形态上也具有潜在的反垄断资本主义的作用。
- At present, the entire world economy is under the control of international monopoly capital, and the world market is dominated by it. 现在国际垄断资本控制着全世界的经济,市场被他们占了,要奋斗出来很不容易。
- At present,the entire world economy is under the control of international monopoly capital,and the world market is dominated by it. 现在国际垄断资本控制着全世界的经济,市场被他们占了,要奋斗出来很不容易。
- Golden House Real Estate PTY, LTD. is an enterprise with monopoly capital from Australia .It is a specialized house property agency bound with the service of lease, sale and loan. 金墅房地产经纪有限公司是源于澳洲的独资企业,是一家房产租售及房贷服务为一体的专业房地产经纪机构。
- This monopoly capital, combined with state power, has become state-monopoly capitalism. 这个垄断资本,和国家政权结合在一起,成为国家垄断资本主义。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- The capital is in the extreme south of the country. 首都在这个国家的最南端。
- The collapse of colonial system at the stage of state monopoly did not damage the lifeline, for there were economic needs for its collapse as this allowed room for expansion and further development of monopolistic capitalism. 殖民体系的瓦解并没有摧毁资本主义生存和发展的生命线,其深刻的经济根源在于殖民体系的瓦解是垄断资本扩张和发展的需要。
- A new play is being staged in the Capital Theatre. 一场新戏正在首都剧场上演。
- My hometown and the capital are poles apart. 我的家乡和首都相距甚远。
- Sixty abstain in the vote on capital punishment. 在表决死刑时,60位下议院议员弃权。
- The nature of neoliberalism is the instrument of interest of international monopoly capitalism. 作为意识形态的新自由主义的本质是代表国际垄断资本主义利益的工具。
- Moscow is the capital of Russia. 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。
- The criminal was sentenced to capital punishment. 罪犯被判处死刑。
- All their capital is locked up in land. 他们把全部资金都搁死在地产投资上了。
- "The Teahouse" is playing at the Capital Theater. 《茶馆》正在首都剧场上演。
- The amount of unemployed capital is very large. 未被利用的资金数量很大。