- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。
- monolithic mould 整体铸型
- The metal in the mould hardened into shape. 模子里的金属硬化成形。
- Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it. 把泥再弄湿点再动手塑造。
- Monolithic structure for high reliability. 得石结构,可靠性高。
- Chengdu Monolithic Power Systems Co., Ltd. 成都芯源系统有限公司。
- Monolithic structure ensures high reliability. 单晶体结构;确保高可靠性.
- The mould in which they were made is broken. 塑造它们的模型已毁。
- They poured the hot metal into the mould. 他们把熔化了的金属倒进模子里。
- These huge presses mould the car bodies. 这些巨大的压床模压出汽车车身。
- Acidic gas or water can also ruin the monolith. 酸性的气体或液体也会腐蚀、侵害塑胶制品。
- The molten metal was run into a mould. 熔化的金属被倒进模内。
- Allows further upgrades of the Monolith. 更进一步让巨型独石的升级。
- Scientists grow large quantities of common mould. 科学家们培殖了大量的普通霉。
- He doesn't fit (into) the traditional mould of a university professor. 他没有大学教授那种传统的气质。
- He is a hero of the mould of Tung Tsun-jui. 他是董存瑞式的英雄。
- I shall procure some clay and mould it. 我会找些粘土塑造它。
- Compile and execute new product mould project plan. 制订和实施新产品模具项目计划。
- A tall, four-sided shaft of stone, usually tapered and monolithic, that rises to a point. 方尖石碑升到一点的四面体高塔或碑石,常为尖顶和由整块石料的
- It was very dirty, and covered with mould. 它脏极了,长满了霉。