- monolayer fracturing 单层压裂
- The middle sect consists of monolayer cilia cube epithelia. 中间段由单层纤毛立方上皮构成;
- The interlayer can be in form of monolayer as well as multilayer. 过渡层可以制备成单层膜结构,也可制备成多层膜结构。
- Electrooptic Pockels Effect of a C60 LB Monolayer[J]. 引用该论文 王恭明;文 军.
- This has resulted in the fracturing of the monolith. 这也导致了整体结构的破裂。
- Mini fracturing testing has got good results in the reservior. 小型压裂试验在该油藏取得好的效果,为该油藏开发稳产起到重要作用。
- Objective: To modify the monolayer culture method of human fetal islet cells. 目的:改良消化培养人胎胰岛细胞培养方法。
- Influence physical factors on phosphatidylcholine monolayer film[J]. 引用该论文 郝长春;孙润广.
- Sand plug always occurred during fracturing in slant well or directional well. 斜井或定向井在压裂过程中,经常因出现砂堵导致施工失败。
- A floating barrier separates a clean water surface from a water surface containing the monolayer. 一块浮动隔板将清洁的水面与含单分子层的水表面隔开。
- However, these problems have been overcome successfully by introducing a monolayer of mediator( e. 结合物潜在的分裂可以用共价固定来解决。
- The results indicate that both Caledonian basins in north and east Guangxi evolved from fracturing to closure. 结果表明,桂北、桂东加里东期盆地演化均经历了从拉张裂解到挤压闭合的完整过程。
- In small capacity brushless PM motor the stator adopts mostly three| phase monolayer concentrated winding. 集中绕组永磁无刷电机由于绕组结构与常规60°带分布绕组不同,定子磁动势的谐波含量增加,定子齿、的影响也加大。
- Objective To study the effects of dexamethasone on bile secretion of monolayer rat hepatocytes. 目的研究地塞米松对大鼠肝细胞分泌机能的影响。
- When fracturing, the fracture pressure of reservoir is crucial. 压裂施工时,储层破裂压力直接决定水力压裂的成功与否。
- According to this model a monolayer of fines coating the coarse is the minimum needed to bring the viscosity down. 按照这个模型,粗粒物料覆盖以单层细粉是使粘度降低至细粉粘度的最小需要量。
- Adsorption characteristics, based on the GAB model wereanalyzed and the monolayer moisture content and adsorption energy were obtained. 并以GAB模型为基础,进一步研究了联合干燥笋片的吸附特性,确定了其单分子层水分含量和吸附能值。
- He slammed his head into the tower on the second somersault,fracturing his skull. 他在做第二周翻腾时,头撞到了高台,撞碎了头盖骨。
- The monolayer BEF with CPE was stained by HE, and the inclusion bodies were found in the enlarged cell nuclei. CPE表现为细胞肿大、变圆、脱落,HE染色可见到病变细胞内有核内包涵体。
- The electromagnetic coupling among the particles in the particle monolayer resulted in a blue shift of the SPR band. 同层内的银粒子相互间电磁偶合可导致银粒子偶极子等离子体共振蓝移;