- monogamous bivalency 单婚配性二价结合物
- Is it monogamous in that country? 那个国家是一夫一妻制吗?
- Monogamous in on the way out again. 一夫一妻制已经不复存在了。
- Males from monogamous species did not show these patterns. 一夫一妻制的物种中的雄性却没有这些情况。
- But a second contradiction thus develops within monogamous marriage itself. 但是,在一夫一妻制内部第二种对立也因此而发展起来了。
- The patient had been in a monogamous relationship for the past 30 years. 在过去30年中,病人保持一夫一妻关系。
- Men in monogamous societies imagine they would be better off under polygyny. 在一夫一妻制的社会里,男性会想象他们在一夫多妻制度下会有更么的好。
- Remember this presumes that you trust your partner is truly monogamous. - 以上的指引只是假设你和伴侣真的只有对方一位性怑侣。
- What makes it unusual among mammals is that it is both sociable and monogamous. 在哺乳动物中,它的与众不同之处在于它既是群居性的,也实行一夫一妻制。
- In some cases the monogamous rodents will, no doubt, become promiscuous. 无疑,在某些情况下,这种一夫一妻制的啮齿类动物也会变得滥交。
- The original digital image of multi-diameter was changed into the contour of image by filter, image bivalency and edge detection and segmentation. 对原始数字图像经滤波、二值化、边缘检测及细化等处理后得到轴轮廓图像。
- With the patriarchal family, and still more with the single monogamous family, a change came. 随着家长制家庭,尤其是随着一夫一妻制个体家庭的产生,情况就改变了。
- For plenty of men, such opportunities never arose, while others stayed monogamous from choice. 许多人从未遇到此类机会,而另外一些则自愿选择用情专一。
- He said his daughter was worried that they might have separated a monogamous couple. 他说他的女儿担心他们可能拆散了一对终生伴侣。
- In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one's rights and double one's duties. 在我们这块儿讲一夫一妻的地方,结婚意味着把你的权力除以二,把你的义务乘以二。
- The same gene has previously been linked to monogamous behaviour in male voles, a mouselike rodent. 此前有研究发现,334型等对配偶的忠贞度有关。
- Called AVPR1A, it helps explain why prairie voles are monogamous and mountain and meadow voles are not. 这种基因名为AVPR1A,它能够说明为何草原田鼠是一夫一妻制,而高山田鼠以及草甸田鼠则不是。
- Women are monogamous by nature. The same holds true with this fact. When a wo... 从本性上讲,男人是花心的。毫无疑问,这没什么可争辩的。
- LH: So she's still reeling off the fact that for those eight years she was completely monogamous. 所以她仍能轻易地把在那8年里她是完全忠于一人的事实说出口。
- This is not a complete truism in a polygynous marriage, and is a criticism of monogamous marriages as well. 在一夫多妻婚姻里,这个观念并不具有完全的真实性,同时也是对一夫一妻制的一种批判。