- Living or preaching place of monks and priests 僧道居住或说法布道的处所
- Various Expressions of Monk and Priest Clothing in the Poetry of Tang Dynasty 唐诗中的僧道衣服词考
- On the Resistance Activeties of Tibetan Monks and Priests in China West Border Area in the War Time 论战时藏传佛教界僧人的抗日活动
- Robin Hood used to rob rich merchants and priests . 罗宾汉总是抢劫富商和教士。
- Robin Hood used to rob rich merchants and priests. 罗宾汉总是抢劫富商和教士。
- Critical to Mages and Priests alike. 对法师和牧师非常重要。
- Come with us, and be our father and priest. 你作一家的祭司好呢?
- There is a kind of privity between monks and elephants. 僧侣与大象之间是有一种默契的。
- Monks and nuns who prophesy are not of that rareness. 说预言的修士和修女,很少有这个祥子的。
- There are two grades, bishop and priest. 答:分两等:一等是主教,一等是司铎。
- Monks and nuns who prophesy are not of that rareness . 说预言的修士和修女,很少有这个祥子的。
- An Augustinian monk and later abbot at the Abbey of St. 孟德尔是奥古斯丁修会的修士,后来在布尔诺市的圣汤玛斯修道院担任院长;该地原属奥匈帝国,如今是捷克共和国的一部份。
- Mages and Priests no longer receive the Parry skill. 魔法师和牧师不再拥有武器格档技能了!
- I completed my training as a monk and began practicing Zen. 在完成出家训练以后,我便立即开始修禅。
- monks and priests 僧道
- Then he was ordained a monk and gave up his kingly life. 然后他被任命为和尚,放弃了他的君主生活。
- Abelard became a monk and devoted his life to learning. 阿伯拉尔后来当了修道士,终生修行。
- With MS and Priest free to heal and dispell, you should win. 在致死打击和牧师无干预的治疗与驱散下,你会最终胜利。
- The Dai Tengu is a powerful wind crafter and priest. 大天狗是一种强大的风之法师,也是优秀的传教者。
- A famous scribe and priest descendant from Hilkiah the high priest. 一个出名的文士和大祭司希勒家的后裔。