- monkey kidney tissue culture 猴肾组织培养
- Able to develop into kidney tissue. 肾发生的能发展为肾组织的
- On Vero cells, a line of African green monkey kidney cells. 非洲绿猴肾细胞株。
- dog kidney tissue culture 狗肾组织培养, 犬肾组织培养
- monolayer kidney tissue culture 单层肾组织培养
- Tissue Culture of Alyssum maritimum(L.) Lam. Alyssum maritimum(L.;) lam
- Lieske. "In the laboratory, we hae isolated nanoparticles from kidney tissue and kidney stones, and hae successfully propagated them in culture. 这并不能清楚地确定毫微粒在肾结石形成中的作用,但它为我们提供了与已知不同的见解。
- Studies on Tissue Culture of Wild Rubus L. 野生树莓组织培养技术研究。
- Classically, embryonated eggs and primary monkey kidney cells have been the isolation methods of choice for influenza viruses, although some continuous cell lines may be used. 通常,鸡胚和原代猴肾细胞培养是分离流感病毒的首选方式,一些传代细胞株也可用于流感病毒的培养。
- Studies on the Tissue Culture of Abies concolor. 科罗拉多冷杉组织培养技术研究。
- Progress of the Tissue Culture of Pistacia vera L. 阿月浑子组织培养技术研究进展。
- TISSUE CULTURE OF Amygdalus communis L. 巴旦杏的组织培养。
- The Effect of Light on Tissue Culture of A. Vera L. 光照对美国芦荟组培苗生长的影响。
- Human glioblastoma cells(HGC),human embryonic pulmonary cells(HEPC),monkey kidney cells(V-116)and K562 cells were infected by T. gondii. The infective states were observed by electron microscope. 用电镜观察了弓形虫在人脑恶性胶质瘤细胞(HGC)、人胚肺细胞(HEPC)、人K562细胞和猴肾细胞(V-116)中感染和寄生状况及受感染细胞的病理变化。
- Preparing vaccines in cell cultures is not new.Aventis, for example, currently produces polio vaccines in the same monkey kidney cells that Baxter is gearing up to use to produce flu injections. 利用细胞培养来制造疫苗并不是新鲜事,例如百特准备用来制造流感注射疫苗的猴子肾脏细胞株,正是目前安万特巴斯德用来制造小儿痲痹疫苗的细胞株;
- Study on Stem-tip Tissue Culture for Aloe vera L. 库拉索芦荟茎尖培养技术研究。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Achillea alpina L. 蓍草组织培养的研究。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Gasteria spp. 白云卧牛组织培养的研究。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Lilium spp. 青山百合的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- Tissue Culture of Asarum maximum Hemsl. 大花细辛的组织培养。