- monk poet of Tang Dynasty 唐代诗僧
- An Abstract of the Special Collection of Seven Monk Poets of Tang Dynasty 唐代诗僧七家诗文别集提要
- Liu Yuxi, a poet of Tang dynasty, once wrote a poem, it described the "Eight-hundred-mile Donting Lake", but when I stepped on the Yueyang tower, I could hardly feel the grandness of Donting Lake. 唐朝诗人刘禹锡写到“八百里洞庭”可当我登上岳阳楼,我竟无法感受到那“八百里”的雄伟的气势。
- Libai, a famous poet of Tang Dynasty, described the scene as follows: While the monkeys on both banks are still gibbering in your ears, away has the boat flown past tens of thousands of hills. 不管是过去还是现在,国内还是海外,游客们都以到三峡为荣。诗人们留下了赞颂他们的诗歌,画家用画笔描绘出美丽的画卷。
- poet of glorious age of Tang Dynasty 盛唐诗人
- study on Ci poet of Tang Dynasty 唐王代代词人研究
- Xian: Stage Show of Tang Dynasty. 西安:仿唐歌舞。
- These are old coins of Tang Dynasty. 这些是唐朝的古钱。
- Chang'an is the former capital of Tang Dynasty. 长安以前是唐朝的京城。
- Women's Darkening Eyebrows by Poets of Tang Dynasty 唐代诗人笔下的妇女画眉
- the Anthology of Great Poets of Tang Dynasty 河岳英灵集
- The wooden tower is referred to be a construction of Tang Dynasty. 木塔被推断为是唐代的。
- The first ones are those of Tang Dynasty Pure Esotericism translated by the Kaiyuan Three Mahasattvas and famous eminent monk Yixing. 首选唐开元三大士善无畏、金刚智、不空,以及著名高僧一行等唐代所译纯密经典,次及宋代名僧天息灾(法贤)、施护、法天和金、元、明、清时代译经。
- One day in around 743 A.D. the great poet of the Tang Dynasty Du Fu arrived in Yibin.He tasted the Spring Liquor and the specialty of Yibin litchi. 杜甫大约在公元743年到了宜宾,杜甫尝到了春酒和宜宾的特产荔枝,即兴咏出“重碧拈春酒、轻红擘荔枝”的佳句。
- The Heroic Consciousness of the Border Poets of Tang Dynasty 唐代边塞诗人的英雄意识
- poet of Tang Dynasty 唐代诗人
- "Erudite scholars come in good spirits to talk with me, and among my guests there are no uneducated common people." This is a famous sentence by the poet Liu Yuxi of Tang Dynasty. 谈笑有鸿儒, 往来无白丁。这是唐朝诗人刘禹锡的名句。
- These are lines written by Li Shangyin, a poet of the late Tang Dynasty in which he referred to the great friendship between Fairy Mother Goddess or Xi'Wang'Mu in Chinese and Emperor Mu of the Zhou Dynasty (c. 1100-771 B.C.). 这是唐代诗人李商隐吟诵周穆王与西天王母娘娘友情的一首诗。
- The wooden tower is referred to is a construction of Tang Dynasty. 木塔被推断为是唐代的。
- Wang Changling was a famous poet of frontier fortress in the Tang Dynasty,Da BanJiaChi was a famous poet of period of Nara of Japan,he has written some poems about frontier soldiers. 王昌龄是唐代著名边塞诗人,大伴家持是日本奈良时期著名诗人,他创作了一些防人歌。