- Some of the BBC's licence fee money could be handed to independent broadcasters to help pay for their public service commitments such as news and education. BBC执照费用的一些部分可能用来支援独立广播电台,帮助他们去支付他们在新闻和教育节目上的公共服务代理。
- The money exchange counter is in the lobby. 外币兑换柜设在大堂。
- Yes, is this the money exchange counter? 是的。这是兑换柜台吗?
- Is there a money exchange counter? 这有两替所吗?
- Once I arrived at the airport I looked for money exchange counter. 我一抵达机场就会寻找兑币处。
- But you have to pay 5% commission on this money exchange. 但兑换这笔外币,您得另外付5%25的手续费。
- Please change your money at the Foreign Money Exchange Agency. 请到外币兑换处兑换。
- Kelly Coffman-Lee wanted to tell the world about her fondness for bean curd by picking certain letters for her SUV's licence plate. 凯里考夫曼-李想要通过选择某些字母组合作为她的SUV的车牌,来告诉全世界她对豆腐的喜爱。
- And there are also cultural legacies to deal with: India’s Licence Raj destroyed management skills, while China’s Confucian tradition still emphasises “face” over innovation. 各国的传统文化也为人才的成长制造了障碍:印度“许可证为王”的文化与现代管理理念格格不入,而中国的儒家思想现在仍然一味强调“面子”排斥革新。
- A source familiar with the situation said prosecutors in Irkutsk, the capital of Eastern Siberia, demanded that a local agency for natural resources suspends TNK-BP's licence on environmental grounds and for failing to fulfil its terms. 一位知情人士表示,东西伯利亚首府伊尔库茨克的检察官要求当地自然资源机构以环保和未能履行条款为由,暂停TNK-BP的执照。
- Mr Newman says the Kansan medical authorities were about to revoke Dr Tiller’s licence following ethical complaints, though Dr Tiller had stayed open for decades despite a barrage of similar ones. 纽曼说由于受到了道德的指控,堪萨斯州医疗管理部门正在准备调销蒂勒医生的执照,事实上蒂勒医生已经在类似的事件中持续营业了几十年。
- You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station. 请到银行、机场或火车站的兑换处去兑换。
- Clerk: You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station. 职员:请到银行、机场或火车站的兑换处去兑换。
- A number of underground markets and illegal money exchange have been eliminated. 一批外汇黑市窝点和地下钱庄被取缔了。
- He wanted to change some dollars at the Money Exchange, but went to the wrong place. 他去汇市兑换美元,结果走错了地方。
- With this money exchange certificate, you may change the Chinese money you left into foreign currency when you leave China. 您从中国出境时,凭这个货币兑换证明,可以将剩余的人民币兑换成外币。
- At this turning point, having the three-Jin cultural background, how did the money exchange shop of Jin Province go from prosperity to decline? 在这个凝聚点上有着三晋文化背景的晋商票号,是如何从繁盛走向衰落的?
- revoke sb.'s licence as a punishment 吊销执照,以示惩戒
- With this money exchange certificate, you may change the American money you left into foreign currency when you leave America. 您从美国出境时,凭这个货币兑换证明可以将剩余的美元兑换成外币。
- Hence, digital driver’s licences should not be legally compulsorily. 因此,技术执照不会被迫合法化 。