- The money exchange counter is in the lobby. 外币兑换柜设在大堂。
- Yes, is this the money exchange counter? 是的。这是兑换柜台吗?
- Is there a money exchange counter? 这有两替所吗?
- Once I arrived at the airport I looked for money exchange counter. 我一抵达机场就会寻找兑币处。
- When they choose to invest money in financial assets denominated in foreign currencies, they incur exchange risk as well. 若银行选择投资于外币金融资产,便要承担外汇风险。
- But you have to pay 5% commission on this money exchange. 但兑换这笔外币,您得另外付5%25的手续费。
- Please change your money at the Foreign Money Exchange Agency. 请到外币兑换处兑换。
- Convertible Deposits are subject to currency exchange risk and may result in gains or losses. 高息外币投资存款涉及外汇风险,可能带来利润或损失。
- The textual point consists in the study againsts with dissolve the foreign exchange risk method. 本文的重点在于探讨防范和化解外汇风险方法。
- You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station. 请到银行、机场或火车站的兑换处去兑换。
- Clerk: You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station. 职员:请到银行、机场或火车站的兑换处去兑换。
- An enterprise may deal with a hedging of foreign exchange risk of firm commitment as a cash flow hedging or fair value hedging. 对确定承诺的外汇风险进行的套期,企业可以作为现金流量套期或公允价值套期处理。
- A number of underground markets and illegal money exchange have been eliminated. 一批外汇黑市窝点和地下钱庄被取缔了。
- He wanted to change some dollars at the Money Exchange, but went to the wrong place. 他去汇市兑换美元,结果走错了地方。
- If the hedged risk is a credit risk or foreign exchange risk, the held-to-maturity investment may be designated a hedged item. 第十条被套期风险是信用风险或外汇风险的,持有至到期投资可以指定为被套期项目。
- You may open an account in one of 5 base currencies, allowing you to avoid exposure to exchange risk when depositing and withdrawing funds. 您可以选取5种基准货币的其中一种作为您所开立账户的基准货币,以避免存款或取款时可能因兑换率改变而导致的损失。
- With this money exchange certificate, you may change the Chinese money you left into foreign currency when you leave China. 您从中国出境时,凭这个货币兑换证明,可以将剩余的人民币兑换成外币。
- At this turning point, having the three-Jin cultural background, how did the money exchange shop of Jin Province go from prosperity to decline? 在这个凝聚点上有着三晋文化背景的晋商票号,是如何从繁盛走向衰落的?
- You may open an account in one of 8 base currencies, allowing you to avoid exposure to exchange risk when depositing and withdrawing funds. 您可以选取8种基准货币的任意来开立账户,以避免存款或取款时可能因兑换率改变而导致的损失。
- With this money exchange certificate, you may change the American money you left into foreign currency when you leave America. 您从美国出境时,凭这个货币兑换证明可以将剩余的美元兑换成外币。