- The MPC will continue to monitor domestic and global developments in order to decide on the most appropriate monetary policy stance going forward. 货币政策委员会将继续监控国内和全球演变,以便在未来采取最适当的货币政策态度。
- They therefore observed that the MCI should be viewed exclusively as an indicator of monetary and financial conditions, rather than a measure of monetary policy stance. 因此,委员会成员留意到货币状况指数只应作为货币与金融状况指标,而不应用作评估货币政策立场。
- The US economy is in any case doing so well now as to warrant an increasingly likely shift from an accommodative monetary policy stance to a rather more neutral one. 目前美国经济表现强劲,美国大有可能将货币政策由宽松转为中立。油价继续上升可能会加速这个情况出现。
- Furthermore, recent weakness in the US dollar, together with interest rates being at historically low levels, represent a favourable monetary policy stance for Hong Kong. 此外,美元近期处于弱势及利率位于历史低位,在货币政策方面对香港来说,这些都是有利的。
- But the People's Bank of China signaled no reversal of its moderately loose monetary policy stance, aimed at spurring growth in the world's third-biggest economy. 但是中国银行表示;不会改变其相对温和的货币政策;目的在于刺激中国这个世界第三大经济体的持续增长.
- The monetary policy stance seems to have been biased towards easing, given deflationary pressures, and so capital inflow would present a good opportunity for increasing reserve money. 中有多少被冲销。由于在通缩压力下,当局似乎偏向采取较为宽松的货币政策,资金流入可以是增加储备货币的大好机会。
- Monetary Policy Stance Indicator 货币政策立场指示器
- 2005 Was marked by a significant rise in energy prices and the continued removal of the accommodative monetary policy stance by the US Federal Reserve. 在2005年,能源价格显著上升,美国联邦储备局亦继续收紧宽松的货币政策。
- The current stance of monetary policy is highly accommodative. 这句话如何翻译?“当前的货币政策姿态具有高度的适应性。”?
- “Hence, making monetary policy less accommodative would not be inconsistent with maintaining the current monetary policy stance,” he said. “因此,降低货币政策的宽松程度,并不会与保持目前的货币政策倾向发生矛盾,”他说。
- monetary policy stance 货币政策态势
- France and Germany, in particular, have adopted a less aggressive stance to stimulus plans and unconventional monetary policy than the US. 与美国相比,法国和德国对经济刺激计划和非常规货币政策的态度不是那么积极。
- Judged by technical benchmarks for monetary policy, the ECB's monetary stance has been appropriate for the eurozone as a whole. 根据货币政策的技术指标判断,欧洲央行的货币政策对欧元区这个整体而言是适当的。
- These are good reasons for continuing to remove the accommodative stance of monetary policy and to move the Fed funds target rate back to a more normal level. 这些因素促使美国联邦储备局继续收紧宽松的货币政策,使联邦基金目标利率逐步回复至比较正常的水平。
- The Key takeaway for the minutes were "weighing up the various factors, the Board judged that the current stance of monetary policy remained appropriate". 会议的主要决议是“提高各种不同因素的比重,董事会认为当前的货币政策仍然是合适的”。
- A stable monetary policy was carried out. 稳健的货币政策被实施。
- Why the Monetary Policy Always Stops at Branches? 央行货币政策缘何受阻基层?
- On Operating the Steady Monetary Policy? 稳健的货币政策是如何操作的?
- The first is of course monetary policy. 首先当然是货币政策。
- Were There Regime Switches in U.S. Monetary Policy? 美国货币政策是否有区制转换?