- He lived high and expended largely. 他生活讲究,花费很大。
- He lied high and expended largely. 他生活奢侈,花销很大。
- A place where stolen goods are received and sold. 买卖赃物的场所
- Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. 拿起听筒之后,放一个硬币在这个小口子里。
- The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. 电幕能够同时接收和放送。
- A character was received and placed in the input buffer. 接收到了一个字符并将其放入了输入缓冲区。
- Let me know that you have received and understood this message. 请告诉我你已收到并理解了电文。
- Finances: Keep an accurate record of money received and spent. 资金:对收入和支出精确记账。
- One who receives and sells stolen goods. 收赃者,销赃者接受或卖赃物的人
- He took up the receiver and began to talk. 他拿起话简,开始讲话。
- My mission of this trip is to seek new projects and expend further cooperation. 我此行的目的就是考察江西的投资环境,寻找合作项目。
- He banged up the receiver and went away. 他砰地挂上听筒走掉了。
- He slammed down the receiver and walked out. 他把受话器砰地一摔便走了出去。
- Accessories, special tools and expendable required with each unit or totally are described in the technical specification. 技术规范中叙述了每台设备或全部设备所需的附件、专用工具和消耗件。
- Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver. 谄媚同时腐蚀接受者和给予者。
- They found them, by and by, and were hospitably received and well treated. 他们渐渐地寻到了他们,而且得到了欢迎与优待。
- So I will receive and sign it overnight. 那么,我明天就可以收到并且签上名了。
- To receive and send out(a broadcast)again. 转播转播接收并再播出(节目)
- Restructure and expend the company, increase productivity and further improve product quality to a higher level. 对企业进行改扩建,进一步提高产品质量,上规模、上档次。
- Soak up: to receive and absorb stll. 接受并吸收。