- China maintains a good momentum of development. 中国保持好的发展势头。
- We're amazed by the momentum of rapid development. 一股迅猛发展的气势扑面而来。
- The total angular momentum of an atomic nucleus. 原子核的角动量之总和。
- Fenyang a good momentum of economic development. 汾阳市经济发展势头良好。
- Reducing work load of system maintenance. 减轻企业工作量。
- The national economy maintained good momentum of development. 国民经济保持良好发展势头。
- The current number of system handles in use. 当前正在使用的系统句柄。
- For a compendium of system security definitions. 以获得关于系统安全定义的概要。
- Third, the question of system and structure. 第三,关于体制、机构问题。
- Township enterprises maintained a good momentum of rapid growth. 乡镇企业保持了较快增长的态势。
- With the help of system analysing program CRAS. 进行试验模态分析.
- Indication of system power On/Off status. 系统指示电源开/关状态.
- Law of momentum of system 系统动量定律
- Snapshot of system security policy and user rights are saved. 系统安全策略和用户权利的快照已被保存。
- The tremendous momentum of the Yellow River is inspiring. 黄河的磅礴气势使人振奋。
- Both of these backup sets include a backup of System State data. 这两个备份集都包括系统状态数据的备份。
- The position and momentum of the particle are observables. 粒子的位置和动量是可见的。
- Forestry production kept its momentum of development. 林业生产继续发展。
- This sample log provides an overview of system performance. 此日志样本提供了系统性能概述。
- Chaihe scenery momentum of broad, powerful spectacular. 柴河风光气势博大,雄浑壮观。