- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb., Platycladus orientalis and Sympegma regelii. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- Seismic safety evaluation of important engineering sites, Isolation, Prediction of earthquake damages and earthquake resistant capability evaluation of structures, Explosion seismic effects etc. 重大工程场地地震安全性评价;隔震减振;建筑结构震害预测及抗震性能评估;爆破地震效应等。
- Compared with traditional working procedure, appropriate plasma technology treatment could replace baking, and feature better crease resistant capability of fabric as well as fabric strength. 结果表明:等离子体处理可以代替传统焙烘工序,织物的抗皱性提高,织物的强力保留率很高。
- At that moment resistance elements, particularly in Africa, were inarticulate and ineffective. 当时的反抗因素,尤其是在非洲是态度不明与无效用的。
- Excellent corrosion resistance capability, no coating is needed for surface protection. 优良的抗腐蚀性能,不需涂装加工。
- Strength and crack resistance capability of concrete will be improved after being reinforced by chopped basalt continuous fiber. 在混凝土中掺加乱向短切玄武岩纤维后,其强度及抗裂性能均会得到改善。
- AC spindle motor has the characters of big power and shaking resistance capability, which strengthens the reliability of machine operating. 高精度通孔式主轴结构,抗震性设计及大功率交流主轴电机,增强了机床运转的稳定性;
- The result got from theory analysis is confirmed right through non-linear finite element analysis and the theory is believed effective to estimate the moment resisting ability of steel beam section. 利用非线性有限元方法分析了理论得出的结果,认为这一理论方法用于估计截面的抗弯能力以及确定腹板开洞型节点的临界削弱半径是有效的;
- Trampling resistance capability of plants and some other merits have been demonstrated by tests.The ecological and economic values and applications are discussed. 通过植草试验说明“沙琪玛骨架”对提高植物的耐践踏性等方面的优点,讨论了绿化混凝土的生态、经济和社会应用价值。
- I couldn't summon up his name at the moment. 此时我无论如何想不起他的名字了。
- Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
- I took to her the moment I met her. 我一见到她就立刻对她产生了好感。
- I'd like to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你谈一会儿。
- For a moment his life was in jeopardy. 他的生命一度陷入危险中。
- Inspection and Evaluation of Earthquake Resistant Capability 抗震性能检测与鉴定
- He'll be bursting in upon us at any moment. 他随时可能出现在我们眼前。
- You'll have to watch for the right moment. 你得等候适当时机。
- A sunset like this shifts its tints every moment. 这样的晚霞颜色是不断变换的。