- A formula for calculating lateral static pressure on shallow silo wall is derived by global equilibrium method. 采用总体平衡方法给出了浅圆仓散体静态非线性分布侧压力计算公式。
- Through analyzing load equilibrium method, this paper puts forward a load equilibrium solution and builds up dynamic load equilibriun system based on server cluster. 摘要通过对负载均衡方法的分析,给出了负载均衡解决方案,构建了基于服务器群集的动态负载均衡体系结构。
- The redox equilibrium between the chromium oxides in CaO-SiO 2-Al 2O 3-MgO-Na 2O-CrO x molten slags was studied by me ans of chemical equilibrium method at 1 673 and 1 773 K. 采用化学平衡法研究了 16 73和 1773K下CaO SiO2 Al2 O3 MgO Na2 O CrOx 渣系中铬氧化物间的氧化还原平衡。
- Based on the new method, the factor of safety of Zhongjiawan bedding slope is calculated by UDEC and compared with the results calculated by LEM (limit equilibrium method). 将上述方法运用到钟家湾顺层边坡的稳定分析中,并将所得结果与极限平衡法计算结果进行了对比,发现二者的计算数值相差较小,并且其变化趋势也比较一致,对比结果表明该方法是完全合理可行的。
- Adsorption of Prochloraz and its major metabolites,BTS44595,BTS44596 and BTS45186,in six types of paddy soil were studied with the batch equilibrium method. 用批量平衡法研究了咪鲜胺及其三种主要代谢物BTS44595、BTS44596和BTS45186在六种水稻土中的吸附。
- The analytical solutio ns for the sinusoidal and spiral buckling configurations are obtained from the e quilibrium equation, which is based on the equilibrium method. 通过求解由平衡法得到的管柱屈曲平衡方程,得到了管柱的正弦屈曲的构型和螺旋屈曲构型的解析解。
- Based on the new method,the factor of safety of Zhongjiawan bedding slope is calculated by UDEC and compared with the results obtained by limit equilibrium method(LE. 将上述方法运用到钟家湾顺层边坡的稳定分析中,并将所得结果与极限平衡法计算结果进行对比,发现二者的计算数值相差较小,对比结果表明该方法是合理可行的。
- Slope stability analysis based on the limit equilibrium method is statically indeterminate,which requires various assumptions to evaluate the factor of safety. 边坡极限平衡分析法通常情况下是静不定的,需要引入一些简化假定来求得安全系数。
- The velocity field and the velocity equation of the slip surface family may be used to establish a new ultimate analysis method-Generalized Limit Equilibrium Method. 由速度场与滑动面族关系的速度方程,可以建立一种新的极限分析方法-广义极限平衡法。
- The typical methods are the limit equilibrium method, the limit analysis method and FEM. 较为典型的边坡分析方法主要有极限平衡法,极限分析法,有限元法等。
- The adsorption curves and adsorption isotherms of UDMH in the two soils are obtained using an improved equilibrium method, and the adsorption coefficients were calculated, through the studies of the adsorption of UDMH in different concentrations. 通过对不同浓度的偏二甲肼在这两种土壤中的吸附的研究,用改进的平衡法给出了偏二甲肼在这两种土壤中的吸附等温线,得出了它们的吸附常数。
- Compared with limit equilibrium method (LEM), SRT considers the constitutiverelation, so except for the factor of safety (Fs), it can further simulate the possibleslidingdirectionsandlocalstabilityofaslide. 相对传统的极限平衡法,强度折减法由于考虑了本构关系,其计算成果除可获得安全系数外,还可以模拟滑坡的运动方向,以及滑体在不同部位的相对稳定性。
- So this article elaborates on the background of the Expansionary fiscal policy in 1998, summarizes major measures taken in implementing the policy, and uses partial equilibrium method to analyze. 因此本文从1998年我国经济形势出发,详细阐述了积极财政政策产生的背景,总结归纳了实施积极财政政策所采取的主要措施,并对财政政策效应做了局部均衡分析。
- The law of water requirement under population conditions in 5- year vineyard on sandy land was studied by soil water dynamics principle and water equilibrium method through observation space. 利用土壤水动力学原理和水量平衡计算方法,在5年生沙地葡萄园,通过建立观测场,在群体条件下研究葡萄需水规律。
- I couldn't summon up his name at the moment. 此时我无论如何想不起他的名字了。
- Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
- I took to her the moment I met her. 我一见到她就立刻对她产生了好感。
- The limit equilibrium methods of slices, the safety factors are computed from force equilibrium, have been widely used for analyzing and designing slope stability. 基于力平衡求解安全系数的极限平衡条分法在边稳定分析和设计中得到了广泛地应用。
- I'd like to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你谈一会儿。
- For a moment his life was in jeopardy. 他的生命一度陷入危险中。