- Archival, formalin-fixed tissue is an invaluable resource for molecular genetic study, but the utilization of nucleic acid of formalin-fixed tissue is generally problematic. 福尔马林固定标本是宝贵的遗传资源,但是如何有效利用其中的遗传信息一直存在问题。
- Extensive molecular genetics studies have been conducted to search for genes underlying BMD or bone size variation in Caucasians.However, few such studies are performed in Chinese. 鉴于引起骨密度或骨大小变异的基因的分子遗传学研究已在白种人中广泛开展,但是这样的研究很少在中国人群中进行。
- molecular genetics study 分子遗传学研究
- Advances in cytogenetics and molecular genetics studies of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas 食管癌细胞与分子遗传学研究进展
- With the accomplishment of HGP and rapid development of molecular genetics,much more progress has been made in the study of genodermatoses. 随着人类基因组计划的成功完成和分子遗传学的迅速发展,遗传性皮肤病的研究已经取得长足的进展。
- This article reviews the study progress of interstitial disease in molecular genetics in order to seek the possible therapeutic target. 阐述近年来间质性肺疾病的分子遗传学研究进展,旨在寻找新的可能的治疗靶点。
- Peas, and fruit flies are traditional objects for genetics study. 豌豆和果蝇都是常见的遗传学研究对象。
- Primary synovial sarcoma of the kidney: a clinicopathologic and molecular genetic study 原发性肾脏滑膜肉瘤临床病理及分子遗传学分析
- Clinicopathologic and molecular genetic study of poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma 低分化滑膜肉瘤临床病理及分子遗传学研究
- Molecular genetic study of Han nationality dopa-responsive dystonia in three Chinese families 汉族多巴敏感性肌张力障碍三个家系的分子遗传学研究
- Molecular genetics came to depend upon studies of the structure and function of DNA, RNA and protein. 分子遗传学的形成仰赖于DNA,RNA和蛋白质的结构与功能的研究成果。
- Progress in human genome project (HGP) and the application of molecular genetics in the study of glaucoma has leaded to an important progress in the understanding of etiology of glaucoma. 人类基因组计划的完成及相关分子遗传学技术在青光眼研究领域的应用,使青光眼的病因学研究取得了重要进展。
- Genetic Study and Utilization of Leymus Hochst. 赖草属植物的遗传学研究与利用。
- This is the essential thesis of molecular genetics, sometimes called the central dogma. 这就是分子遗传学的基本论点,或称中心法则。
- Recent developments in molecular genetics have provided insights into the molecular mechanisms that lead to MDS. 近代分子遗传学的发展使我们对其分子水平上的形成机制有了进一步的了解。
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae(S. cerevisiae) is the first organism whose molecular genetics was known. 人们对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)分子遗传学方面的认识最早。
- Canadian genetics study has shown that smoking may damage a man's sperm, which can be detrimentally passed along to offspring. 加拿大一项遗传学研究表明,吸烟可能损害男性精子,不利于其后代。
- Clinical, electrophysiological and molecular genetics about CSNB are reviewed in this paper. 笔者就CSNB的临床、电生理和分子遗传学进行了综述。
- Genetic Study on Callus Growth Ability in Oryza sativa L. 水稻愈伤组织增殖力的遗传研究。