- A mold in which such metal is cast. 金属铸模金属锭在其中被铸的模子
- A frame for holding a sand mold in a foundry. 砂箱铸造车间内保持砂模用的框架
- Bread tends to mold in damp weather. 在潮湿天气中面包易于发霉。
- The pastry mold in which this food is baked. 制这道菜的糕点模子
- Not all the rows need be in core at the same time. 无需把所有行同时存放在主存中。
- Bread tends to mold in dampweather. 在潮湿天气中面包易于发霉。
- The cheese molded in the damp cellar. 乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。
- molding in cores 组芯造型
- In October the remaining bugs in core packages shall be fixed. 十月,基础套件中的臭虫应被全数修复。
- Some identities are easier to mold in ascension than others. 某些身份比其他更容易在提升中塑造。
- The furniture molded in the old house. 那所老房子的家具发霉了。
- It can produce stereo-protection sanitary napkin with air-laid paper and fluffy pulp as absorbent material. cotton core is molding in package type. 可生产吸收体为无尘纸或绒毛浆卫生巾。棉芯包裹成型。
- It can produce stereoprotection sanitary napkin with airlaid paper and fluffy pulp as absorbent material. cotton core is molding in package type. 可生产吸收体为无尘纸或绒毛浆卫生巾。棉芯包裹成型。
- It can produce sanitary napkin with air-laid paper or fluffy pulp as absorbent material. Cotton core is molding in package type. 可生产吸收体为无尘纸或绒毛浆卫生巾。棉芯包裹成型。
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。
- The basic rheological properties of ASP system and the variation rules of rheological parameters in cores along the direction of percolation flow are studied. 研究了碱表面活性剂聚合物(简称ASP)体系的基本流变性以及流变参数在岩心中沿渗流方向的变化规律。
- The statistical data showed that the fissures and fracture systems in cores from the Ordovician carbonate rocks in the central Tarim area possessed a good property of fractal. 统计分析表明塔里木中部地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩心裂缝与断裂具有良好的分形特征。