- Sweet potato was the staple of their diet. 过去甘薯是他们的主食。
- molded sweet potato 霉变甜薯
- And that is a yam,which is a kind of sweet potato. 那么甜薯,是番薯的一种。
- Bean or sweet potato starch noodles. 意是由土豆或者淀粉制作而成.
- Utilization of Good Sweet Potato Parent-Yanfen No. 优良甘薯亲本材料岩粉一号的利用。
- She have become used to eating sweet potato. 她已经习惯于吃白薯了。
- And that is a yam, which is a kind of sweet potato. 那是甜薯,是番薯的一种。
- Mrs. Johnson baked a sweet potato pie. 约翰逊太太烤一个红薯馅饼。
- The sweet potato is almost burned to charcoal. 这个红薯都快烤得焦炙了。
- This sweet potato is soft and floury. 这块白薯真面。
- He also makes sweet potato muffins. 布朗面包坊“位于肯塔基州列克星敦市,上个月才开张。
- Sweet potatoes decayed after the frost. 霜下了之后,地瓜烂掉了。
- Eastern Brazilians lean more heavily on the sweet potato. 巴西东部人主要靠白薯为生。
- Studies on the developmental biology of Sweet potato Seed. 甘薯种子发育生物学研究。
- A change of angle shooting, sweet potato into a jagged edge. 换了一个角度拍摄时,红薯的边缘变成参差不齐的。
- Is the process: the amount of fairy grass half a catty (usually hay) 5 jin boiled water, grass filter residue by adding sweet potato flour, stirring after uniformity Sheng Rupen mold in cooling cold. 工序是:适量的仙人草半斤(一般是干草)加5斤水熬煮、滤草渣、加入地瓜粉、搅拌均匀后盛入盆中冷却即成冻。
- Some people consum corn, cassava, sago or sweet potato as staple food. 有些人以玉米,木薯,西米,红薯为主食。
- In the research,sweet potato amylodextrin was hydrolysis in acid-alcohol media. 以红薯淀粉为原料,采用醇介质酸水解制备变性红薯淀粉糊精。
- Tom bought a lot of sweet potatoes. 汤姆买了很多红薯。
- She picked the sweet potatoes up. 她刨出白薯来。