- The heated air drinks up the moisture of the earth. 热空气把土里的湿气都吸干了。
- It absorbs moisture from the air. 它吸收空气中的水分。
- The plants drink in moisture from the atmosphere. 植物从大气中吸取水分。
- Measuring Diffusion Coefficient with Horizontal Column by Temporal Moisture Section Method 用水平土柱测定非饱和土壤水扩散率的瞬时剖面法
- He has lived one section of miserable life. 他过了一段悲惨的生活。
- The desert air contains hardly any moisture. 沙漠的空气几乎不含一点湿气。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- Air and moisture tarnish silver. 空气和潮湿使银子失去光泽。
- The rubber seal is designed to keep out all the moisture. 橡胶的密封垫是用以隔绝湿气的。
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活动桌面桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科医生首先切开血管。
- He lived in a quiet section of uptown. 他住在住宅区的一个安静的地段。
- The kitchen's stone floor was shining with moisture. 厨房的石板地受了潮闪闪发亮。
- He occupied the other section of Martin's house. 他占用了马丁房子的另一部分。
- The architect drew the house in section. 建筑师画出房子的剖面图。
- Humidity is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere. 湿度是空气内含水分多少的量度。
- The last section sums up all the arguments on either side. 最后一部分总结了双方的全部论点。
- The sun dries the moisture on the ground. 太阳晒干了地上的潮气。
- A desk with a top section for books. 有抽屉或分类格的写字台
- A single roll or a rolled section. 一卷东西或被卷起来的一段