- moist and heat caused tinnitus 湿热耳呜
- "The humidity and heat caused by people entering the tomb and their breathing will change the mummy to a powder," said Dr Hawass. 哈瓦斯说:“游客进入古墓参观、呼吸都会造成墓内湿度和热度变化,这将使木乃伊变成一堆粉末。
- The sun sends out light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。
- The floor was moist and slippery. 地面潮湿而光滑。
- Light and heat proceed form the sun. 光和热来自太阳。
- Resembling mucilage;moist and sticky. 似粘液的与粘液相似的;湿且粘的
- An object which is placed in the sunshine becomes hot,and heat causes most materials to become slightly bigger --- that is,to expand. 一个物体放在阳光下会变热,热导致大多数物质变得稍大一些,也就是膨胀。
- Resembling mucilage; moist and sticky. 似粘液的与粘液相似的;湿且粘的
- Her skin felt moist and feverish. 她的皮肤摸上去又湿又热。
- An object which is placed in the sunshine becomes hot, and heat causes most materials to become slightly bigger -- that is, to expand. 一个物体放在阳光下会变热,热导致大多数物质变得稍大一些,也就是膨胀。
- A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat. 火可以和太阳相比,两者均可放出光和热。
- I like my air just as moist and warm as that in a tropical swap. 我喜欢我的空气近似热带沼泽地带的空气那样又暖又潮湿。
- I like my air just as moist and warm as that in a tropical swamp. 我喜欢我的空气近似热带沼泽地带的空气那样又暖又潮湿。
- The place have non-drafty or dusty, quaky, moist and rainy. 通风不良或灰尘较多的地方;易受震动;放定不稳;潮湿或易被雨淋的地方.
- It is from the sun that we get light and heat. 我们是从太阳得到光和热的。
- The sun radiates both light and heat every day. 太阳每天发出光和热。
- Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating. 现在普遍用煤气烧饭和取暖。
- We get light and heat from the sun. 我们从太阳那里得到光和热。
- Light and heat proceed from the sun. 光和热来自太阳。
- The sun gives us light and heat. 太阳给我们光和热。