- module type converter 模块型变换器
- Associates a type or type member with a type converter. 使类型或类型成员与类型转换器关联。
- There is a deployment plan for each module type and application. 每种模块类型和应用程序都有一个部署计划。
- A type converter can also provide logic to enable configuration of a property within a property browser at design time. 类型转换器还可提供逻辑,以便在设计时能够在属性浏览器内配置属性。
- A type converter can provide a list of values for a type in a Properties window control. 类型转换器可以为“属性”窗口控件中的类型提供一个值列表。
- A Geronimo deployment-plan XML file can have different names, depending on the module type and its location. Geronimo部署计划XML文件可以有不同的名称,该名称取决于模块类型及其位置。
- Design-time support can be provided for a custom type only if it has a type converter defined for it. 只能为已定义了类型转换器的自定义类型提供设计时支持。
- The example type converter supports properties of integer type with which it has been associated. 示例类型转换器支持与其关联的integer类型的属性。
- The following code fragment associates a type converter and a UI type editor with the property Value. 以下代码片段将类型转换器和UI类型编辑器与属性Value相关联。
- The development history, the mechanism, the module type and the performance of the electrodeionization (EDI) were reviewed. 摘要概述了EDI净水技术的发展历程、原理、组件型式与性能。
- Provides a type converter for a property representing the field name of a bound column field in a. 控件中绑定列字段的字段名称的属性提供类型转换器。
- In fact, the range that ABBHenschel company offers the module type engine that selects to ENR to devise plan is very wide. 事实上,ABBHenschel公司提供给ENR选择的模块式机车设计方案的范围是很宽的。
- Provides a type converter that can retrieve a list of data sources accessible to the current component. 提供类型转换器,可检索当前组件所能访问的数据源的列表。
- Provides a type converter to convert data for an image index to and from a string. 提供在图像索引数据与字符串之间实现互相转换的类型转换器。
- Provides a type converter to convert data for an resource reference to and from a string. 提供在资源引用数据与字符串之间实现互相转换的类型转换器。
- The following example implements a type converter that can generate constructor-based property initialization code for properties of type Point. 下面的示例实现了一个类型转换器,该转换器可以为类型Point的属性生成基于构造函数的属性初始化代码。
- Provides a type converter that can retrieve a list of the hierarchical data sources that are accessible to the current component. 提供类型转换器,可检索当前组件所能访问的分层数据源的列表。
- Gets or sets the module type. 获取或设置模块类型。
- Provides a type converter to convert 32-bit signed integer objects to and from data source control cache duration representations. 提供能将32位有符号整数对象与数据源控件缓存持续时间表示形式相互转换的类型转换器。
- Provides a type converter to convert double-precision, floating point number objects to and from various other representations. 提供将双精度浮点数字对象与各种其他表示形式相互转换的类型转换器。