- modified sol - gel process 改进的溶胶-凝胶法
- Pure and Pt doped ( m( Pt ):m( WO 3)=0.3%) WO 3 thin films were prepared using the sol gel process by the dip coating technique on alumina substrates. 用溶胶凝胶浸渍技术在三氧化二铝基片上制备了纯和 (m(Pt) :m(WO3 ) =0 .;3%25 )铂搀杂的三氧化钨膜
- The preparation of WO 3 thin films has been reported using a sol gel process together with the dip coating method, and tungsten powder being the raw material. 以金属 W粉为无机原料 ,溶胶 -凝胶技术结合浸渍镀膜方法制备出 WO3 薄膜 ,借助 SEM、可见光分光光度计、椭偏仪等仪器测量了薄膜的特性。
- Results show that the phase transition temperature ( Tc) of W - doped Vanadium dioxide film prepared by an inorganic sol - gel process can be reduced to room temperature. 实验证明采用无机溶胶凝胶法制备掺钨二氧化钒薄膜可将二氧化钒薄膜的相变温度点降低到室温范围。
- Al2O3 ZrO2 composite membranes supported on Al2O3 hollow fiber were prepared by sol gel process from aluminium iso propoxide and zirconyl chloride as their raw materials. 以异丙醇铝和氧氯化锆为原料,用溶胶-凝胶法在Al2O3中空纤维上制备了Al2O3-ZrO2复合膜。
- The key to synthesis the precursors of CeTi 2O 6 is that Ti 4+ and Ce 3+ ions must reach the atomistic distributing state and prevent the oxidizing of Ce 3+ during the sol gel process. 用sol gel法制备CeTi2 O6 复合氧化物先驱物 ,关键是要保证Ce及Ti原子在溶液 溶胶 凝胶 干凝胶整个过程中原子 (分子 )尺寸范围内的混合状态不被破坏。
- This paper systemically introduced the features, principle, technological process and the application of coating materials, prepared by sol gel process, looked ahead the coming developing prospect. 较系统地介绍了溶胶凝胶法制备涂层材料技术的特点及一般原理。概述了溶胶凝胶法制备涂层的工艺过程以及涂层材料的应用。展望了未来的发展前景。
- C.J.Brinker, W.Scherer, Sol Gel Science The Physics and Chemistry of Sol Gel Processing (San Diego, 1990). 郑舜宇,“以溶胶-凝胶法合成高分子基氧化矽复合材料之研究”,国立中山大学材料科学研究所硕士论文,民国90年。
- P. Vequeiro, M. Arturo and Lopez-Quintela,"Synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet by the citrate gel process" J. Mater. Chem., 8 (1)161-163(1998). 朱穗君,"纳米级铝酸钇萤光体微粒之制备与特性鑑定",交通大学应用化学研究所硕士论文,1998年。
- Its subject coverage includes: synthesis techniques, including vapor infiltration and sol gel processing;densification techniques;and crystallization. 它的广泛报导集中在附近网成形、雾化、沉淀、纤维增强复合材料制造、微结构的演变与设备。
- Guns with magazines must have the gun modified so that only 2 cartridges can be loaded into the magazine. 有弹仓的猎枪必须改装,以使其弹仓中只能装入2发子弹。
- The original text has been modified so radically that it is barely recognizable. 原文改动得如此彻底,几乎面目全非。
- After mud of bushing column affusion ends, because the action of to hydrate heat makes grout arises in gel process,warm up phenomenon, and subsequently weightlessness. 套管柱注水泥结束后 ,由于水化热的作用使水泥浆在胶凝过程中产生升温现象 ,并随之失重。
- Homogeneous and transparent thin nanostructured titania films doped by Y3+were prepared on glass substrates by sol gel processing and dip coating technique. 用溶胶-凝胶法和浸渍-提拉法工艺,在玻璃表面上制备了均匀、透明的钇离子(Y3+)掺杂二氧化钛纳米薄膜。
- Five cloned piglets,genetically modified so that their organs are much less likely to be rejected by a human donor recipient,have been born in the US. 在美国已诞生了5只基因改良的克隆小猪,这使得它们的器官在植入人体时产生排异反应的可能性大为缩小。
- If this field is blank, a connection file was never used, or it was used and then modified so that the link to the connection file was broken. 如果此字段为空,则说明从未使用过连接文件,或者曾使用过但之后对它进行了修改,从而使得指向该连接文件的链接断开。
- If this option is not specified, the world, view, and projection transforms are modified so that sprites are drawn in screen-space coordinates. 如果未指定此选项,则修改世界、视图和投影转换,以便以屏幕空间坐标绘制子画面。
- Unbridled Wrath'has been modified so that rather than a fixed chance to grant rage, it has an increased chance when using slower weapons. 怒不可赦‘将修改所增加的怒气的机率,当武器越慢增加的机率将相对提高。
- Therefore, CRS workflow is modified so that stacking and migration can be realized simultaneously taking advantage of CRS kinematic parameters. 为此,对CRS常规流程进行了改进,借助于CRS运动学参数同时实现数据的叠加和偏移。
- Reflectors Softboxes containing multiple particles can effectively cover Heiwenjuan eye swelling and modified so that Dayton was bright eyes of God. 含有多种柔光微粒,能有效遮盖黑眼圈并修饰眼部浮肿,使眼部顿显明亮有神。