- Modern service industries developed rapidly. 现代服务业快速发展。
- Modern service consciousness is a key issue modernized gymnasium which contains the service consciousenss for the masses and the special community. 现代服务意识是现代化体育馆的核心问题,它包括了面向大众群体的现代服务意识、业群体的现代服务意识。
- Third, we need to develop tertiary industries, particularly modern service industries. 三要积极发展第三产业特别是现代服务业。
- We should vigorously develop modern services and tourism. 积极发展现代服务业和旅游业。
- At the same time,we took multiple measures to support and encourage faster development of modern service industries. 同时我们采取多种措施来支持和鼓励现代服务业加快发展。
- Third,we need to develop tertiary industries,particularly modern service industries. 三要积极发展第三产业特别是现代服务业。
- We should accelerate the development of the modern service sector and raise the proportion of the tertiary industry in the national economy. 加快发展现代服务业,提高第三产业在国民经济中的比重。
- At the same time, we took multiple measures to support and encourage faster development of modern service industries. 同时,采取多种措施,积极支持和鼓励现代服务业加快发展。
- Spatial information industry is the most potential industry and important increase point of modern service industry. 空间信息产业是21世纪最具增长潜力的产业和现代服务业的重要增长点。
- As a sunrise industry, tourism is an important component of the modern service industry. 作为“朝阳产业”的旅游业是现代服务业的重要组成部分。
- It is the demand of market and the duty of government to develop the modern service orderly and preferentially. 要有序优先发展现代服务业不仅是市场的需求,也是政府的职责。
- The strategetic reconstruction of YangPu modern service industry development is described in this paper. 论文构建了杨浦区发展现代服务业的战略体系。
- Development of modern heavy industries and modern service industries to speed up development of highlevel and moderate heavy industries. 发展现代重化工业和现代服务业,加快产业高级化和重型化。
- Based on the first national general economic survey data, this paper analyzed the canonical correlations between manufacturing and modern service industry of our country. 摘要利用全国第一次经济普查的截面数据对我国制造业与现代服务业的发展关系进行了典型相关分析。
- However, due to its history and natural environment, there are some factors restricting the development of a modern service industry in Wenzhou. 由于历史和自然环境等原因,温州发展现代服务业存在着一些制约因素。
- In recent years, Jinchang District has been making great effort to devolve modern service industry in focus of commerce, logistics and tourism. 近年来,金阊区以商贸、物流、旅游三大经济板块为重点,大力发展现代服务业。
- The development of modern service industry cluster districts(MSICD) twines together with the growing of the comprehensive transportation hub. 现代服务业集聚区与综合交通枢纽共生共荣。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- In recent years, modern service industry in Dalian has developed very quickly, with both service level and technological content improved considerably. 近年来,大连市现代服务业有了较快的发展,整体服务水平和技术含量也有了很大的提高。
- The conference rooms are equipped with modern service facilities that are multi-functional and intelligent, providing a good environment for parties, meetings and ceremonies. 多功能智能型现代化会议服务设施,为您营造聚议庆典的氛围。