- modern thinking mode 现代思维方式
- Modern thought, character, or practice. 现代的想法,性格现代的想法,性格或做法
- According to Heidegger, modern technology is metaphysically based on the thinking mode of subject-object dichotomy. 摘要海德格尔认为,现代技术的形而上学根基在于主客二分对象性思维方式。
- There are two kinds narratives which is leaned to subjcet and object on modern lierary history, both of them based on the dimidiate thinking mode. 摘要现代小说史上的乡土叙事主要有偏于主观和偏于客观的两种类型,它们都建基于现代性的主客二分的思维方式之上。
- And the thinking mode of westerners in logic, analysis and linear. 而西方人的思维模式则以逻辑、分析、线性为特点。
- The new policy incorporated the thinking mode of the new premier. 这项新政策体现了新任首相的思维模式。
- One of the manifestations of the modern civilization crisis, nihilism has its unique thinking mode and logical structure. 虚无主义作为现代文明危机的一种表现形式,有其特有的思维方式和逻辑结构。
- This compromise not only simplified complex physiologic body to pure politic body, but also overturned the rational thinking mode of modern, started modern mythical writing. 然而这一调和不仅将复杂的生理身体简约为单纯的政治身体,而且颠覆了现代文学的理性思维方式,开启现代神话书写之源。
- We moderns think in a bubble of about ten years. 现代人类可以构想10年内的事情。
- Indeed, it has come to be the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade. 事实上,它已成为现代国际贸易理论的奠基石。
- In modern times, metaphysics crisis with ontological characteristics is a sort of fundamental crisis, which provides a historical chance for the birth of completely new thinking mode of postmodernism. 摘要近代形而上学之危机,是一种基础性的危机,具有本体论特性,这就为后现代主义这种全新思维方式的产生提供了历史性的契机;
- The idea of comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade. (5) 比较利益理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石。
- Emergent instruction is a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode. 摘要生成性教学是生成性思维视域下的教学形态。
- The society dismisses much of accepted modern thinking about the shape of the earth as sheer nonsense. 该协会否定现代关于地球形状的公认看法,认为都是一派胡言。
- So, we couldn't simply make the intellectuality thinking equal to the metaphysical thinking mode. 因此,不能简单地把知性思维与形而上学的思维方式划上等号。
- VOICE: How can theism be presented most effectively in modern thought? 在当今的思想环境下怎么样才能最有效得表达有神论的思想呢?
- To master legal language so as to guide action and to affect thinking mode, this is our unique vocation and mission. 精通法言法语,并用以指导行为、用以影响思维,这就是我们唯一的天职和使命。
- In the following concepts of integration, the writer put forward theories of constructionism, communication and modern thinking science. 接下来的二者整合理论依据中,本文重点探讨了建构主义、传播学以及思维科学的相关理论研究。
- The two orientations insist on the two points and keep the thinking mode of the dualistic. 这两种取向各执一端,属于中西对立、体用二元的思维模式。
- As well as giving an elegant summary of modern thinking about religion, Mr Wade also offers a brief, provocative history of monotheism. 除了在结尾给当代对于宗教的思考进行了简洁的总结,韦德先生还介绍了关于一神论简短而富有煽动性的历史。