- England is the birthplace of the modern novel. 英国是近代小说发源地。
- All my life had shaped me for the realism, the naturalism of the modern novel. 我的全部生活使得我适合于现代小说所表现的现实主义和自然主义。
- All my life had shaped me for the realism, the naturalism of the modern novel, and I could not read enough of them. 所有我的生活已经使我形成了现实主义,现代小说的自然主义,我读它们从没有感觉已经足够了。
- I am getting to like modern novels. 我开始喜欢现代小说了。
- This book is the best among the modern novels. 这本书是现代小说中最好的。
- The first chapter vindicates the outstanding contributions HuFeng made to Chinese modern novel criticism. 第一章主要考辩胡风对中国现代小说理论批评的突出贡献。
- Fielding has been regarded by some as "Father of the English novel," for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel. 费尔丁被一些人尊为“英国小说之父”,因为他为现代小说模式的创立作出很大贡献。
- Lu Xun and Yu Dafu are both writers on China"s modern novel source ,they have a far-reaching impact on development of Modern Chinese Literature. 鲁迅和郁达夫都是立于中国现代小说源头上的作家,并对中国现代文学的发展产生了深远的影响。
- This text tries to pass to inquire these differences, tallying up to revenge a female to take upward variety in the value in a Chinese modern novel. 本文试图通过探询这些差异,总结出中国现代小说中复仇母题在价值取向上的变化。
- Foreign novel symbol and theory is introduced and run through modern novel story for 30 years, which brings about the birth of symbol poetry art of modern novel. 对外国小说象征及理论的介绍,贯穿现代小说史30年,这一艺术源泉滋润了现代小说象征诗艺的诞生。
- First published in 1918, My Antonia is generally considered a modernist novel. 《我的安东妮亚》首次出版于1918年,被一致认为是现代主义小说。
- Those three modern novels are denounced as equally obscene by the wowser. 那三本现代小说均被道学先生们斥为同样猥亵。
- I'm zapping through(= reading very fast)some modern novels at the moment. 我现在正在浏览一些现代小说。
- Those three modern novels are denounced as equally obscence by the wowser. 那三本现代小说均被道学先生们斥为同样猥亵。
- Her novel depicts life in modern London. 她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活。
- As one of the leading modernist novelists, Virginia Woolf has contributed significantly to the development of modern novel in both theory and practice. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是现代主义小说的先锋代表,她在理论和实践两方面为现代主义小说的发展做出了杰出的贡献。
- Through the observation of the new novel ' s concept of time we can see more clearly that it has fully shown the pluralism trend of the modern novel with its vanguardism and diversity. 新小说以其先锋性和丰富的样貌,充分展示了现代小说的多元化走向,对其时间观念的考察可以使我们更清楚地看到这一点。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- In Modern Chinese Literature, learn from precise English that light literature has used the tactics chatted of guiding, urge China modern novel narrate the innovation of the skill. 中国现代文学中,从精英文学到通俗文学都使用了入话的手法,催动了中国现代小说叙事技巧的革新。
- While Romantism Tradition refers to the romantic features of the literal theories, writers’ attitudes and the world of texts and the phenomena of that the modern novel holds on so long and so classic. 而“诗性传统”则是指在文学观念、作家心态、文本世界等方面表现出了“诗性”特征,并在文学史进程中保持了长期性和经典性的现代小说现象。