- Therefore, Hirsch's hermeneutics has a modern form. 所以,赫施的传统阐释学观点又是现代形式的。
- It must be realized that sport in its modern form is almost entirely a British invention. 我们应该认识到;现代形式的体育运动几乎全是英国人的发明.
- After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness? Advertising. 归根结底,几乎完全致力于描写快乐的那种现代表现方式是什么呢?广告。
- An acceptance bill is a more modern form of the bill of exchange in financing international trade. 承兑汇票是国际贸易中交换汇票的更现代的形式。
- After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness? 毕竟,那一个现代形式的表达是什么几乎完全地呈现到描述快乐?
- S7: The medium of law, particularly in the modern form of positive (or enacted) law, offers itself as a candidate for such an explanation. 法律的媒介,特别是在现代形式的实证法当中,将自己作为了这样一个解释的候选人。
- This system in its modern form was established only a short time ago,and as a result,awareness of intellectual property rights remains underdeveloped in society at large. 由于中国建立现代知识产权制度的时间不长,全社会的知识产权意识还比较薄弱。
- In its modern form, the panspermia hypothesis addresses how biological material might have arrived on our planet but not how life originated in the first place. 时至今日,胚种说讨论的重点,是生物体如何抵达我们所居住的行星,而不再是生命如何在其发源地发生。
- The Lotus Supercenter stores bring the most modern form of retail shopping Concept to China.In China, the first Lotus store was opened in Pudong, Shanghai in June 1997. 易初莲花购物中心把世界上最先进的大型零售店概念带入中国,第一家超市于1997年6月在上海浦东新区对外营业。
- Ecologic vies of nature is specifically materialized in the human ecology domain as one of systematic view of nature,and a modern form of dialectical materialist view of nature. 生态自然观是系统自然观在人类生态领域的具体体现,是辩证唯物主义自然观的现代形式之一。当代全球性生态危机是系统的辩证的生态自然观确立的现实根源;
- The idea of a slide fastener was first exhibited by Whitcomb L. Judson (died 1909) at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. The modern form of the zipper Began to appear on clothing in the late 1920s. 有关拉链的想法是贾德森于1893年在哥伦比亚世界博览会上展示的。1920年代末,男、女装均出现拉链。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- To put it more clearly, Chinese modernization meant that China was transformed from a traditional form into a Western, modern form. 准确的意义即是:从传统中国的型态转变成现代西方的型态。
- The modern form of legislation tends to be of the enabling type, which simply states the general purpose and aims of the Act, rather than attempt to lay down detailed provisions directly. 现代的立法模式趋向于授权型,这种模式的立法仅仅是简单地陈述法案的意图和目标,而不是直接列示详细的规定。
- Modern forms of agricultural utilization, have completely refuted this assumption. 现代农业利用形式,完全驳倒了这种想象。
- Modern forms of agricultural utilization have completely refuted this assumption. 现代农业利用形式,完全驳倒了这种想象。
- "In writing or "written" means a letter handed over from the Sellers to the Buyers or vice versa, a registered letter, telex, telefax or other modern form of written communication. 书面是指由卖方交给买方的信函及其他,如挂号信,电报或者其他当代形式的书面传递形式。
- Abstract: The gymnastic skills evolute as modern forms and obey certain objective law after a century development. 文章摘要: 体操技术经过一个世纪的发展,演进到了如今的形态,其发展遵循着一定的客观规律。
- Being towards a modern form, awareness derives new wisdom from contemporary era, quietly presents everywhere, and enriches and distillates new aesthetic creation and knowledge system. 走向现代形态的感悟汲取了新的时代智慧,不动声色而又无处不在地醇化著和升华著新的审美创造和知识体系。
- Several developments of that time brought music close to its modern forms actually: They are the birth of the opera and the oratorio. 本时期几个重大发展将音乐往现代方向大大推进了一步。这些发展是歌剧和清唱剧的诞生。