- After exploring into the modern Chinese education history, we found that after abolishing the Imperial Examination (Keju), studying abroad replaced taki... 在南京临时政府、北洋政府、国民政府的政权中均发挥了举足轻重的作用。
- The system was worked out for the purpose of upholding the feudalist society and once played an important part in the promotion to the modern Chinese education and social development. 学制的制定实施既是洋务派“中学为体,西学为用”以期维护封建统治的体现,也有推动中国近代教育与社会发展的作用。
- This article is to explore modern Chinese educator Tao Heng-Chih's social education thoughts and practice.The method of history study, and theoretical analysis are applied in this research. 摘要本文系探讨近代中国教育家陶行知的社会教育思想与实践,其方法则以历史及理论分析为主。
- Ye Shengtao,a famous modern Chinese educator,attaches great importance to the construction of Chinese language and literature textbook. 我国现代著名教育家叶圣陶极其重视语文教材建设,他编写的语文教材数量多、质量高,深受广大师生的欢迎。
- Dewey and Modern Chinese Educational Thought 杜威与中国现代教育思想
- The min purpose of Chinese education is to teach the science and technology needed to made China into a modern socialist nation. 中国教育的主要目的是教授所需的科技知识以把中国变成现代化的社会主义国家。
- The Perspective of Lin Yutang's Humour to the Malpractice of Modern Chinese Education 林语堂幽默对现代教育弊端的透视
- My Personal View on the Reappraisal of the Role of WU Ru-lun in Modern Chinese Education 吴汝纶在我国近代教育中定位问题之我见
- He is an authority on modern Chinese history. 他是一位中国近代史的权威。
- Could you turn it into modern Chinese? 你能把它译为现代汉语吗?
- What do you think about Chinese education? 你怎么看待中国的教育?
- Put this into modern Chinese, please. 请把这译为现代汉语。
- From the Establishment and Development of Fengtian Industrial School to See the Changes of Modern Chinese Education Thought 从奉天实业学堂的建立与发展看近现代中国教育思想的变迁
- Studies of Modern Chinese History. 近代史研究。
- Louis Modern Chinese School since 2007 fall. 从2007年秋天起任教于现代中文学校。
- Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas, 1919-1949. 爱情、社会、小说。
- The Chinese education fails shameful in addition inability. 中国教育失败可耻外加性无能。
- At last ,it expatiated the new trend of loanword in modern chinese. 通过对比,阐述了现代汉语外来词的新动向。
- Schools have been the center in Chinese education system since ancient China. 自古以来,学校就是中国教育体系的中心。
- The exhibition is a representative of the modern Chinese art. 展览会是现代中国艺术的代表。