- In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers. 在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。
- The air arm plays an important role in modern warfare. 空军在现代战争中占很重要的地位。
- Even the zig-zag camouflage used in modern warfare was suggested by Cubist art. 甚至现代战争中使用的“之”字形伪装也受到了立体派艺术的启发。
- Civilians as well as soldiers take part in modern warfare. 现代战争中;平民同士兵一样要参战.
- Metal-wheeled chariots are the prototype of the tanks of modern warfare. 金属轮战车是现代战争中坦克的原型。
- Identification Friend-or-Foe(IFF)system is very important in modern warfare. 敌我识别(IFF)系统在现代战争中占有极为重要的地位。
- S. operatives are in WWII Burma to train the Kachin natives in modern warfare. S.;的战斗人员,专责骚扰第二次世界大战的敌军。
- He commanded those powerful armies till then assembled in modern warfare, he enforced conscription of soldiers for the first time in American history and under imperative necessity he abolished the rights of Habeas Corpus. 他命令强大的军队集结投入现代战争,他在美国历史上首次厉行征兵制度,在紧急形势的要求下,他废除了人身保护令所赋予的权力。
- Modern warfare is very complex, and even maintaining communications and liaison is by no means simple. 现代化战争非常复杂,连通信联络都不容易。
- As an important warfare theory for guiding informationization construction, Network Centric War-fare (NCW) has become one of the hottest topics for military research. 摘要网络中心战作为指导信息化建设的重要作战理论,已成为当今世界军事科学研究的热点之一。
- The PLA regards logistical construction as an important part of the effort toward comprehensively enhancing combat effectiveness and meeting the needs of modern warfare. 中国军队把后勤建设作为全面提高战斗力、适应现代战争要求的重要组成部分。
- If we had to fight a war now,we couldn't afford to have our officers ignorant of modern warfare. 现在打仗,我们的军官没有现代化战争的知识不行。
- In modern warfare,mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers. 在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。
- Therefore,great efforts should be put into increasing our cadres'ability to direct modern warfare. 所以,我们要努力提高干部指挥现代战争的能力。
- Modern warfare is very complex,and even maintaining communications and liaison is by no means simple. 现代化战争非常复杂,连通信联络都不容易。
- Its importance grew in the 20th century with the increasing complexity of modern warfare. 随着现代战争日趋复杂,其重要性在20世纪逐渐增加。
- Study of modern warfare and of combined operations by the various services and arms should also be included in the training. 部队训练还包括现代化战争知识、诸军兵种联合作战的内容。
- We should not close our eyes to the fact that our cadres at various levels are deficient in the ability to direct modern warfare. 要看到我们各级干部指挥现代化战争的能力都很不够,不要把自己的眼睛蒙住了。
- They can meet the needs of modern warfare, unconventional warfare, and local warfare. 特种部队能够适应现代战争,非常规战争和局部战争的需要。
- Second, they should help the cadres to conscientiously study modern warfare and combined operations involving various services and arms. 第二,认真学习现代化战争知识,学习诸军兵种联合作战。