- Kindly dispose of them at a moderate price for our account. 请以适当价格将货物出售。费用由我公司负担。
- Thousands demonstrated against the price increases. 数以千计的人举行示威,抗议物价上涨。
- moderate price increases 适度的涨价
- It's a moderate price for a car of this type. 对于这种类型的车,这只是中等价位。
- Price increases trigger off demands for wage increases. 物价上涨引起了增加工资的要求。
- The price increases were passed on by the firm to the consumers. 那个公司把上涨的费用都转嫁到了消费者身上。
- Kindly dispose to them at a moderate price for our account. 请以适当价格将货物出售。费用由我公司负担。
- Kindly dispose to them at a moderate price for our account . 请以适当价格将货物出售。 费用由我公司负担。
- Price increases hit everyone's pocket. 物价上涨冲击了每个人的钱袋。
- The price increases haven't been too bad at all. 没有涨太多。
- Oil undersupply leads to price increases. 石油供给不足导致价格上涨。
- Let's. nd a buffet with moderate prices. 我们找一家价格适中的自助式餐馆。
- People on fixed incomes are hurt by price increases. 收入固定的人受物价上涨之害最深。
- The price increases are proportionate to the increases in the costs of production. 价格的上涨与生产成本的增加成比例。
- This eating-house puts out meals at moderate prices. 这家餐馆供应廉价饭菜。
- New sample receive but quality nothing better price increase unacceptable. 新样品已收到,质量不太好,“加价”无法接受。
- That increased supply would help moderate prices, BHP says. 而供应增加又有助于平抑铁矿石价格。
- Warrants can be used to hedge against future price increases. 权证可以用来对冲未来价格的上涨。
- Price increases failed to keep pace with rising costs. 价格的提高跟不上成本的增长。
- You will be pleased with the up - to - date clothes we are offering at extremely moderate price. 我们现出售的新潮服装,价格合理,定会使您满意。