- moderate degree burn 中度烧伤
- High, the area has moderate degree of endemism, and/or high richness. 高:该地区具有中等数量的特有种和/或高的物种丰富度;
- The raw surface of first degree burn will be whitened when it is squeezed. 问题:当受到挤压时,一度烧伤的创面会变白(英文意思)
- Moderate autism. The child shows a number of symptoms orr a moderate degree of autism. 中度自闭症:孩子表现出不少自闭症状,或者表现出中度自闭。
- Eco tourism should be the major direction of development in the area and the development must be in a moderate degree. 对于区内旅游资源的开发则应以生态旅游为主,但是必须适度,即合理的开发度和保护度相结合;
- Conclusion This operation is an effective method for correction of lower eyelid ectropion in mid and moderate degree. 结论:应用上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣修复轻重度下睑外翻是一种较为可行的手术方法。
- Solid black is very undesirable, but not so objectionable if occurring to a moderate degree in piebald patches. 纯黑色是很不理想的颜色,但在花斑色中出现一定量的黑色斑块则是允许的。
- On admission there was a moderate degree of jaundice and a small scar above the left costal margin. 住院时,在左肋缘上方有中等度黄疸和一个小疤痕。
- On admission there was a moderate degree of jaundice and a small scar aboe the left costal margin. 住院时,在左肋缘上方有中等度黄疸和一个小疤痕。
- Two farmers with 2(superscript nd) degree burn, 3% and 2 % TBSA, respectively in the perineal areas due to accidental contacting with paraquat were reported. 两位因不慎造成会阴部长时问与巴拉刈接触的农夫至本院就诊,两人各身受全身体表面积百分之二及百分之三深及真皮层的深二度灼伤。
- We must renew those traditional ideas,maintain the principle of moderate degree,and deal with the relations between inq... 运用研究式教学,除了更新观念,把握适度原则以外,还要注意处理好研究式学习与接受式学习之间的关系。
- Methods One patient of severe degree bone marrow form of ARS received rhGM-CSF and rhEPO treatments and other two patients of moderate degree were administered only with rhGM-CSF. 方法 一例重度ARS患者使用了rhGM CSF和rhEPO ,另两例中度ARS患者仅用rhGM CSF。
- Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).PRK is sometimes used if you have a low to moderate degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness, or if you have nearsightedness with astigmatism. 屈光性角膜切除术(PRK):当你有低于中等度数的近视或者远视,或者近视加散光,有时会选择PRK。
- The successful use of setting questions should abide by the principals of clear objective, property time, novelty and specialty, moderate degree of difficult, and enlarge the imagination of students. 成功的能体现启发式的提问,应注意做到目的明确、时机恰当、新颖奇特、难易适中,并能发展学生的想象力等。
- Deep third degree burn of abdominal wall 腹壁深三度烧伤
- Deep third degree burn of male genitalia 男性生殖器深三度烧伤
- Third degree burn of abdominal wall 腹壁三度烧伤
- Third degree burn of back of hand 手背三度烧伤
- Third degree burn of face and head 头和面部三度烧伤
- Third degree burn of female genitalia 女性生殖器三度烧伤