- moderate change test project 适中改变试验计划
- The typical FE had moderate change in EEG with 22.8%. 普通型脑炎患者脑电图以中度异常为主;占22.;8%25;
- The new manual test is added to the test project. 新的手动测试随即添加到测试项目中。
- The test project is added to your solution. 测试项目将添加到解决方案中。
- The new ASP.NET unit test is added to a file in your test project. 新ASP.;NET单元测试即添加到测试项目中的文件中。
- Solution Explorer displays the new test file in your test project. 解决方案资源管理器将在测试项目中显示新测试文件。
- Add a test project and a manual test to your solution. 向解决方案中添加测试项目和手动测试。
- Click here to see a viewlet showing how to create a Component Test project. 点击这里查看关于怎样创建一个组件测试项目的viewlet。
- Guo Yuhua: What Charter 08 proclaimed were demands for basic and legitimate rights, and the social change it called for was through moderate change and common sense, so where is the crime? 郭于华的看法:08宪章表达的是公民最基本和正当的权利要求,而且提倡以温和改良的方式推进社会进步,道出常识何罪之有?
- The main test suite developed by the LTP is also called the Linux Test Project. LTP开发的主要测试套件也叫做Linux测试项目。
- AEP is planning a test project at its Mountaineer plant in West Virginia. 美国电力公司正计划在旗下的西弗吉尼亚登山家电厂开展测试项目。
- We have a set of advanced automatic production line, complete production equipment including punching machine, gas inspection equipment and enthalpy change test machine. 并配置了美国莱宝检漏设备,氟利昂回收设备等一大批先进设施以保证产品质量更加稳定;
- Prepare and change testing and assembly fixtures, if necessary, adjusting. 准备并更换试验和装配工装卡具 ; 如需要,进行调节 .;调节量具
- A test project can contain any number of tests of any type. 测试项目可以包含任意数量、任何类型的测试。
- In this scheme, a TPG is designed by a low cost structural modification of an accumulator with an algorithm for single input change test sequence generation. 该方案通过对累加器结构作低成本的设计改进,并通过一种高效的单跳变序列生成算法设计了时延故障测试序列生成器。
- A market regulator might pick up on underlying signals of an impending crash and take measures to maintain trading diversity and moderate changes. 某个市场管理员可能抓著了即将崩盘的潜在讯息,而进行对策,以维持交易的分散及适度的改变。
- You can change these preferences at any time, before creating additional test projects. 在创建其他测试项目之前,可以随时更改这些首选项。
- Test projects can contain tests of any type. 测试项目可以包含任何类型的测试。
- Test projects exist alongside the other projects of your solution. 测试项目与解决方案的其他项目并存。
- As you add, delete, or change test lists, or add tests to test lists or remove tests from them, their descriptions are updated in the metadata file. 在添加、删除或更改测试列表,或在测试列表中添加或移除测试时,都会更新其在元数据文件中的说明。