- ON the Main Spiritual State of Modem Patriotism 论近代爱国主义的主体精神境界
- He was anxious to show himself patriot. 他急于表明自己是个爱国者。
- Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 爱国主义过了头即可导致仇视一切外国人。
- We are all deeply moved by his patriotism. 我们都被他的爱国精神深深感动了。
- Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?
- Crimes committed under cover of patriotism. 打著爱国的旗号犯下的罪行。
- He is out of step with modem life/ideas. 他与现代生活思想格格不入。
- They did evil under the veil of patriotism. 他们在爱国主义的幌子下作恶。
- I wonder if modem life have any attraction for you? 不知现代生活对您是否有吸引力?
- She is a patriot to her country. 她热爱她的祖国。
- They criticize their opponents under the cover of patriotism. 他们借口爱国来抨击反对者。
- modem patriotism 现代民族精神
- Do you think the students will plug in to these modem philosophy trend? 你认为学生会对这些现代哲学思潮感兴趣吗?
- In his latest article he lashed out at modem historians. 他在最近的一篇文章中猛烈抨击现代历史学家。
- When it comes to talking about patriotism, he's an extremist. 一谈到爱国主义,他就很偏激。
- Select the protocol tab and un-check all protocol except modem. 选择Protocolstab, 不要选取所有的协议,除Modem之外。
- Modem findings do not bear out the old belief that the earth is flat. 近代的发现否定了地球是扁平的那种古老的看法。
- A strong sense of patriotism pervaded his writings. 一种强烈的爱国主义感情渗透在他的作品中。
- Thomas is a hundred per cent patriot. 托马斯是一个百分之百的爱国者。
- He estimates that about 300,000 people modem daily. 他估计现在每天大约有30万人通过调制解调器联网访问该点。