- modem capitalist society 现代资本主义社会
- All this can never happen in a capitalist society. 以上这些,资本主义社会永远不可能有。
- In the capitalist society money is the king. 在资本主义社会,金钱成了主宰一切的权威。
- Marx laid bare the nature of capitalist society. 马克思揭露了资本主义社会的本质。
- Marxism could be the product only of capitalist society. 马克思主义只能是资本主义社会的产物。
- In the capitalist society the many are oppressed by the few. 在资本主义社会里,多数人受少数人压迫。
- Supply and demand, it’s the bedrock of a capitalist society. 供求关系,资本主义社会的基石啊。
- And where are China's bourgeois dictatorship and capitalist society? 中国的资产阶级专政和资本主义社会又在何处呢?
- Some young people have developed a blind faith in the so-called democracy of capitalist society. 有些青年,迷信资本主义社会的所谓民主。
- Deng: It is wrong to maintain that a market economy exists only in capitalist society and that there is only "capitalist" market economy. 邓:说市场经济只存在于资本主义社会,只有资本主义的市场经济,这肯定是不正确的。
- In the imperialist epoch of capitalist society, wars are waged on a particularly extensive scale and with a peculiar ruthlessness. 打到资本主义社会的帝国主义时期,仗就打得特别广大和特别残酷。
- How is family policy related to the state in capitalist societies? 在资本主义社会,家庭政策是怎样和国家发生联系的?
- We say that capitalist society is bad,but it doesn't hesitate to discover and utilize talent. 我们说资本主义社会不好,但它在发现人才、使用人才方面是非常大胆的。
- We say that capitalist society is bad, but it doesn't hesitate to discover and utilize talent. 我们说资本主义社会不好,但它在发现人才、使用人才方面是非常大胆的。
- The actual value of labour in capitalist society does not represent the real value of labour. 资本主义社会中劳动的实际价值并不代表劳动的真正价值。
- In capitalist society,big enterprises always try to freeze out the smaller ones. 在资本主义社会,大企业总是千方百计地排挤小企业。
- In the capitalist society, thesecurity market is a very important organization to allot wealth. 在资本主义社会里,证券市场是一个很重要的财产分配机制。
- Habermas thinks that the basic disease in the late capitalist society is the global colonization of life. 摘要哈贝马斯认为,生活世界殖民化是晚期资本主义社会的根本病症。
- In the imperialist epoch of capitalist society,wars are waged on a particularly extensive scale and with a peculiar ruthlessness. 打到资本主义社会的帝国主义时期,仗的范围特别广并且特别残酷。
- After studying the capitalist society, Marx realized that the separation of right and obligation caused the human dissimilation under the private ownership. 马克思在研究了资本主义社会之后,认识到了私有制下权利与义务的分离造成了人的异化。