- modem Chinese modernity 近代中国现代性
- The modem Chinese people are badly in need of that inspirit. 当代中国社会中的人们,尤其需要这种英雄主义精神的激励。
- The study of hypotaxis and parataxis should not be limited to a comparative analysis of the forms between modem Chinese and modern English. 摘要意合形合现象的研究不能仅仅停留在现代汉英语言形式的对比分析上,必须进一步拓宽。
- Cai yuan-pei is a famous democratic reformer, educator and scientist in Chinese modem history, and he is also a pioneer and advocate of Chinese modern psychology. 蔡元培是中国近代著名的民主革命家、教育家和科学家,同时也是我国现代心理学的先驱和倡导者。
- Modem Chinese essays flourished because of Europeanized changes in the style. 现代散文卓有成就,源于欧化带来的文体的新变。
- Today, he's almost synonymous with Chinese modern dance. 时值今日,林怀民三个字几乎成为中国现代舞的同义字。
- In Chinese modern art world, Huang rui is a big name. 在中国当代艺术界,黄锐的名字是不得不提的。
- This course accords with the law that most disyllable words become of modem Chinese language. 这一过程符合许多现汉双音词形成的规律。
- As one of sources of Modem Chinese neology, the parlance of computer networks contains many terms of computer networks. 网络用语作为现代汉语新词新语的来源之一;包含着大量的网络术语.
- The election is an apotheosis of electing elite completely chaired by modem Chinese intellectuals. 中央研究院第一届院士选举是现代中国学术界自主选举学术精英的典范。
- The Status and Influence of Wu Li in the History of Chinese Modern Painting. 吴历在中国近代绘画史上的地位与影响。
- The modem Chinese democratic literature underwent a process of germination, growth, maturity and decline. 中国现代民主主义文学经历了一个萌芽、成长、成熟和衰落的过程。
- The modem Chinese judicature was based on the appearance of the concept of nation. 中国近代司法的构建是在民族国家观念兴起的基础上才得以展开的。
- The word "and" is not conjunction, noun, preposition, so the meaning is equal to "ask" or "make" in modem Chinese. 认为:文中的“与”字,既不是连词,也不是名词或介词,而是一个含有使令意义的动词,其词义相当于现代汉语的“让”或“使”。
- The Chinese modernity outspreads between two paradoxical dimensionalities:tradition and world mainstream culture. 中国的现代性的展开在中国传统与世界主流文化两个充满矛盾的维度中。
- The Europeanization of the Chinese language is a historical process that has produced profound influences on the development of modem Chinese. 汉语的“欧化”曾经对现代汉语的发展产生过重要的影响。 文章论述了“欧化”的来龙去脉:提出它的历史背景;
- The liberation of individual and woman is an important part of the Enlightenment discourses, helping to shape modem Chinese thought and culture. 摘要无论在中国现代思想史还是中国现代文学史中,“娜拉”都是一个无法绕开的存在。
- As propagating the important parts of media, have connection of countless ties supplement with Modem Chinese Literature to newspaper. 报纸副刊作为传播媒介的重要组成部分,也与中国现代文学有着千丝万缕的联系。
- The new folk-song movements, which represent the radicalization of construction of Chinese modernity, has the symbolic significance in the new poem development. 摘要新民歌运动表征着中国现代性建构实践的激进化,在新诗发展史上具有标志性意义。
- What Hu Shih said and did in I.P.R. typically reflected the dilemma of modem Chinese liberals when they were faced with the nation crisis. 胡适在太平洋国际学会中的言论、思想和行动典型地反映了现代中国自由主义知识分子在面对民族危机时所遭遇的两难选择。