- water quality model of river network 河网水质模型
- Discussion on mathematical model of river network stream simulation computing 河网水流模拟计算数学模型探讨
- Inverse Problem on Boundary Condition and Pollutant Source in Water Quality Model of River Network 组合单元水质模型中的边界条件及污染源项反问题
- model of river networks 河网模型
- A kind of real time optimizing and operation model of water-logging drainage which is suitable to be used in river network region is founded by combining with current advanced technology of forecast. 论文对国内外除涝排水系统研究及主要成果进行了阐述,总结了目前除涝排水系统研究中存在的问题,提出了平原河网地区除涝排水的研究方向。
- YUAN Zuo-xin.Hydrological model of river basin[M].Beijing:China WaterPower Press,1990. [1]袁作新.;流域水文模型[M]
- A monthly water balance model of the Tarim River mainstream is established based on the analysis of river discharge, evaporation, seepage and overflow. 摘要通过对河道水面蒸发量、渗漏量、漫溢量的分析,建立了以月为单位的塔里木河干流河道水均衡模型。
- A monthly water balance model of the Tarim River mainstream is established based on the analysis of river discharge,evaporation,seepage and overflow. 通过对河道水面蒸发量、渗漏量、漫溢量的分析,建立了以月为单位的塔里木河干流河道水均衡模型。
- He showed us a model of the new office building. 他给我们看了新办公楼的模型。
- The alternative updating mode is embedded into hydrodynamic model of looping river computation to realize the united solving of river flow computation and real-time updating. 基于环状河网的求解机制,实时交替校正模式被嵌入扩展到环状河网水动力学模型中,初步实现了环状河网水流计算与实时校正的联解。
- He made a clay model of the Eiffel Tower. 他做了一个艾菲尔铁塔的黏土模型。
- His mother is a model of industry. 他母亲是勤劳的模范。
- By integrating the backmixing theory of Reaction Engineering with predictive model of river pollution in Environmental Quality Assessment study, the predictively longitudinal dispersion model of river quality was got and analyzed. 摘要将反应工程学的返混理论与环境质量评价学的河水污染预测模型结合,得出了河流水质预测纵向扩散模型,并给出了解析解。
- A mechanical model of the solar system. 太阳系仪太阳系的机械模型
- Based On the derived random state model of river water quality syst-em,Tamura filter was presented to estimate BOD concentration only using DO concentration,which can be measured immediately. 本文基于导出的河流水质系统随机状态空间模型,提出了以能够即时测定的DO浓度实时估计不易测定的BOD浓度的塔穆勒滤波方法。
- In the presence of elderly visitors our son was a model of decorum. 我们的儿子在来访的长辈面前彬彬有礼。
- Application on Chase Model of Numerical Simulation for River Network Hydraulics 河网水力数值模拟的追赶法模型的应用
- The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops. 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中出售。
- The above indexes can be used for hydrological modeling of river basins, but the undulation of topography and the grid-size of the DEMs should be taken into account in practical application. 上述指标可应用于流域水文模拟中 ;但应用时需考虑地形的起伏程度和DEM网格的大小 .
- I don't know one model of car from another. 我分辨不出汽车的型号。