- model for pension reform 养老金制度改革方面的模范
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- Marek Gora Office for Pension Reform of the Polish Government, The William Davidson Institute 波兰政府养老金改革办公室
- PROST (Pension Reform Options Simulation Tool-kit) is a generic, computer-based forecasting model, which was developed by Department of Social Security, The World Bank. 养老金改革可选方案模拟工具包)是由世界银行社会保障部开发的一个通用的、基于微机的预测模型。
- Diana is modeling for a fashion show. 戴安娜正在时装表演会上当模特。
- Held the essay up as a model for the students. 把这篇论文给学生作范例
- Acoach should act as a role model for his athletes. 教练员要做运动员的榜样。
- New access-rights model for protect read- only translation unit via user group password. 新的访问权限模型用于经由用户组口令保护只读翻译单元。
- He looked like a model for an outdoor catalogue. 看 上 去 是 那 种 户 外 运 动 健 将 。
- Teachers provide a model for children to imitate. 教师是孩子们仿效的典范。
- Chapter 2 analyzes Chilean pension reform process in 1981 and illuminates the new system. 第二章:考察1981年智利社会养老保障制度的改革过程以及新制度的基本框架结构。
- The new writ model for criminallaw II. 最新刑事法律文书格式范本2。
- The key to successful pension reform in Taiwan hinges on the drive and determination of our political actors. 未来制度改革的成败,应是系于行政部门沟通协调的努力,与推动制度改革的决心。
- I will be a role model for others. 我将会成为别人的。
- Robert Holzmann and Edward Palmer edited(2006), Pension Reform, Washington .DC , The World Bank. 野村综合研究所(2002),2004年公的年金改革,野村综合研究所。
- Control model for quality forecasting. 质量预测控制模型。
- A comprehensive model for software projects. 一个健全的软件项目模型。
- She has served as a model for several painters. 她当了好几位画家的模特儿。
- This paper discusses the interest games in the process of pension reform and the trend of pension privatization by employing the neo-pluralism theory. 摘要本文运用新多元主义理论探讨养老金改革中的利益博弈和私有化改革的发展趋势。
- We are substituting this model for the same price. 同样的价钱,我们有这种型号的货。