- mo(u)ld(ing) spade 造型砂铲
- It's all over now so think mo more of it. 现在一切都过去了,因此别再去想它了。
- He was watch ing the crowd go by. 他注视着人群走过。
- He was digging potatoes with a spade. 他正在用铁锹挖马铃薯。
- He's not afraid to call a spade a spade. 他不怕直言不讳。
- Clods of soil stuck to the spade. 土块黏在铁铲上。
- Half a mo (ie Wait a little), I'm not quite ready. 等一下,我还没完全准备好。
- I addition, ome multiproce or ystem u ort arallel roce ing. 另外,一些多处理器系统支持并行处理。
- Moşu 莫舒
- steel mo u lder rs paint 铸钢涂料
- Just give him a bucket and spade and he's in seventh heaven! 只要给他一个桶子和一把铲子,他就高兴极了!
- Bob, who had no intention of working, leaned lazily on his spade. 鲍伯不想干活,懒洋洋地倚在铁铲上。
- modern mo(u)ld and core-making process 现代型模型及型芯制造法
- We dig some pits with a spade before planting the trees. 种树前,我们先用铁锹挖了些坑。
- Consumer goods production was to go up by6.6percent ing that city. 在那个城市消费品生产将增长6.6%。
- Orders came that we should spade the trench in an hour. 有命令要我们必须在一小时内挖好战壕。
- water cooled copper tube mo(u)ld 水冷管式铜坩埚
- It's hard to work this soil with such an old spade. 用这样一把旧铁锹挖地真费劲。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- Her husband is an engineer in LD Company. 她的丈夫是LD公司的工程师。