- mixed mode macro instruction 混合型宏指令
- mixed mode macro definition 混合方式的宏定义
- This is called the mixed mode integrated circuit. 这称为混合型集成电路。
- You can run unattended setup for service packs in mixed mode. 不能在混合模式下运行服务包的无人值守安装。
- A macro instruction that causes the control program to create a new task and i ndicates the entry point in the program to be given control when the new task becomes active. 一条宏指令,它可以使控制程序建立一个新任务,并指出在新任务激活时控制程序中的入口点。
- The group type cannot be changed while the domain is in mixed mode. 在域为混合模式时,组类别不能被更改。
- C. Configure the new instance for Mixed Mode Authentication. 配置这个实例为混合模式验证。
- Keywords: electrorheological fluid, flow mode, mixed mode, shear mode, damper. 关键词:电流变液、流动模式、混合模式、剪切模式、阻尼器。
- A phrase often associated with a macro instruction, where one source language instruction is converted to several machine language instructions. 通常与宏指令有关的一种用语,即把一条源语言指令转换成若干条机器语言指令。
- Therefore, it is recommended that you switch from mixed mode to native mode. 因此,建议从混合模式切换到纯模式。
- We design a flow mode, mixed mode and shear mode electrorheological dampers. 首先推导其运动方程式及理论模式,进行阻尼器的模拟。
- block handling macro instruction 块处理宏指令
- programmer-supplied macro instruction [计] 程序员提供的宏指令
- This paper describes a algorithm that is a new mix mode placement for RAM and standard CLB cell designs in circuit. 摘要针对块RAM和标准CLB单元的电路布局问题,提出了一个新的混合模式布局算法。
- Macro Instruction Compiler-Assembler 宏指令自动编码器汇编程序
- Define The File macro instruction [计] 定义文件宏指令
- To use this security mode (and ignore our advice), you'll need to enable this Mixed Mode security during setup. 要使用这种安全性模式(并忽略我们的建议),您需要在安装过程中启用这种混合模式安全性。
- system built-in macro instruction 系统内部宏指令
- Enter and confirm the system administrator (sa) login when you choose Mixed Mode Authentication. 选择“混合模式身份验证”时,请输入并确认系统管理员(sa)登录名。
- The server failed to update the behavior version of domain (%1). The domain is in mixed mode. 服务器更新域(%251)的行为版本失败。域处于混合模式。