- Natural control against Dendrolimus spectabilis in the mixed pine and locust forest 油松刺槐混交林对赤松毛虫自然控制初步研究
- mixed pine and locust forest 油松刺槐混交林
- Sili beautiful scenery, pine and cypress trees. 寺里风景秀丽,松柏参天。
- The jeep skirted a small stand of pine and fir trees. 吉普车绕过一片松柏树林。
- The pine and the cypress remain green all the year round. 苍松翠柏,常绿不凋。
- It is recommended to reserve Korean Pine and broadleaved tree species for current mixed Larch-Spruce-Fir stands to develop towards deciduous Korean Pine forest. 从枯损和进界看,如果能对红松和阔叶树进行保护,这种林分很可能逐渐演化为阔叶红松林。
- The pine and cypress remain green all the year round. 松柏四季常青。
- Wangtingzhi (1934-), the name of pine and stone, No. 王廷智(一九三四~),笔名松石,号古泉,骏业齐主,河北香河人。
- ?2.Water?retaining capacity of litter layer:?Robinia pseudoacacia?>?Alnus cremastogyne?>mixed pines and alder forest>?Pinus elliotii. 枯枝落叶持水:刺槐林>桤木林>混交林>湿地松林;
- The towering pine and cypress trees defy frost and snow. 松柏参天傲霜雪。
- Study on Water and Density Growth Effect of Locust Forest at Semiarid Region on Loess Plateau. 黄土高原半干旱区人工刺槐林水分密度生长效应研究。
- Sapwood area calculation and water use scaling up from individual treesto stands of Chinese pine and black locust. 油松、刺槐单木与林分水平耗水量的尺度转换。
- May you live long and remain strong like the evergreen pine and fir tree! 松柏长青
- mixed pine forest with decidous tree 落叶噬混交林
- Green and luxuriant are the pines and cypresses. 苍松翠柏郁郁葱葱。
- While pines and chrysanthemums still survived. 松菊犹存。
- The pines and cranes symbolize long gerity. 松树和仙鹤象征长寿即松鹤延年。
- Pines and cypreesses are green all the year. 松柏四季常青。
- Relationship between drought and desertification, famines and locust disaster was studied inthis paper. 本文研究了干旱和沙漠化、旱与饥荒、旱与蝗灾的关系。
- Soil total organic carbon(STOC) under broad-leaved and bamboo forest were considerately higher than (P<0.05)those under masson pine and Chinese fir. 结果表明:土壤总有机碳含量常绿阔叶林和毛竹林显著高于杉木林和马尾松林。