- mixed knowledge representation 混合知识表示法
- OOT(Object-Oriented Technology) is used in knowledge representation. 在知识的表达中应用了面向对象的思想;
- Category:Knowledge representation - Material related to concept categorization. 类别整理-类别整理。
- For example, CYC [45] often refers to its knowledge representation of some area of knowledge as its ontology. 这种词汇可以应用于特定领域或者主题。
- Annotation is the keystone of the knowledge representation of any natural language processing (NLP) research. 标注集是任何自然语言处理研究中的知识表达基础。
- Combining the knowledge representation, the article put forward to a data construction organization form of case base. 第三章对模糊事例的表示进行了研究,提出了一种面向对象的知识表示方法,并结合所提出的事例的表示方法,从理论上提出了一种事例库的数据结构组织形式;
- This paper puts forward the OO Knowledge Representation method based OnXML which is able to solve the problem. 本文提出的基于XML的面向对象的知识表示方法将解决这一问题
- Knowledge representation is one of the key technologies in the designed expert system. 摘要知识表示是建立设计专家系统的关键技术之一。
- Object-oriented knowledge representation method is now more and more applied in the construction of expert system. 面向对象的知识表示方法已越来越多地应用于专家系统的建造中。
- Because of the technical defect of intensional semantics, situantional semantics is much more powerful in the knowledge representation. 由于内涵语义学技术上的缺陷,在知识表示上境况语义学显得更有优势。
- Overall, the RDFCore working group is chartered to show a more open face to the semantic Web and knowledge representation communities. 总而言之,成立RDFCore工作组是向语义Web和知识表达社区展现更为开放的一面。
- In addition, by designing the uniform formalism of the knowledge representation, it is possible for this approach to be suitable to multi-lingual translation system. 另一方面,通过对不同语种设计相同的知识表示形式,实现该算法对不同语种翻译系统的通用性。
- XTM, RDF(S),DAML+OIL, and OWL are increasingly becoming networked knowledge representation languages generally adopted by people. OIL和OWL日益成为人们普遍采用的网络知识表示语言。
- Aiming at knowledge representation problem of expert system for rotary machinery fault diagnosis, semantic net knowledge representation is discussed. 针对旋转机械故障诊断专家系统中的知识表示问题,讨论了语义网络的知识表示方法。
- Finally,the authors compare the object-oriented knowledge representation method with the semantic network and frame structure. 最后将面向对象的知识表示方法与语义网络和框架结构进行了比较。
- This paper introduced first the basic concepts of rough sets theory,including rough sets knowledge representation methods and rough sets reduct theory. 首先描述了粗糙集理论的基本概念,包括粗糙集知识表示方法和粗糙集约简理论;
- Knowledge representation,acquirement ,in fe rence engine of the expert system are presented and diagnosis re-porting as ou tcome is explained to user. 主要介绍了本专家系统的知识表达、获取及推理机等,并以诊断报告的形式将诊断的结果解释给使用者。
- Moreover this paper compares the goad qualifies and limitation of two knowledge representation in building knowledge base. 本文还比较了这两种知识表示方法在建立知识库时的不同与优缺点。
- The knowledge representation,inference technology and function of the s ystem software are mainly discussed in the paper. 该文重点介绍了系统软件设计的知识表达、推理技术及系统软件的组成与功能。
- Don't mix up this pair of synonyms. 别把这两个近义词混淆了。